Mini project for CS6024 - Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Biology, on the topic: Gene expression analysis for age prediction
We use the Age prediction using machine learning dataset, obtained from here. The file training_data_normal.tsv
is used for the project.
The dataset has not been included in the repository since it is openly available. To run the code present in the repository, please download the dataset and save it as dataset.tsv
in a new folder data
created in the cloned repository. The helper script should do the same when the command bash
is executed.
Once this is done, the directory structure would be as follows:
├── code
│ └── ...
├── data
│ └── dataset.tsv
├── ...
├── Proposal.pdf
All source code is present in code. Helper scripts are present in scripts to help with loading data and building models. The used code is also distributed across the notebooks but follows the logical 3-phase sequence of EDA, modeling and result analysis. Logs and plots contain cross-validation information and final plots.