This is an attempt at writing a file manager that suits my needs. The app will not have much mouse support, instead it will try to have intuitive keyboard shortcuts.
If you want to know how to use this application, check out the wiki.
In order to build an executable, you first have to satisfy the dependencies:
- GTK+3
- vte-2.91
- GLib-2.0
- vala
- meson
- ninja
After downloading necessary dependencies you have to do the following:
cd /path/to/organiza/ #Navigate into project directory
meson build #Create and configure build folder at ./build
ninja -Cbuild #Compile using the previously created buildfolder
The executable file will be located at build/src
and is called organiza
Alternatively you can also install the binary using:
cd /path/to/organiza/build #Navigate into project directory
sudo ninja install #Intall application on your system
I suggest you use VS Code, as that is what I am using.
For an optimal experience install the following extensions: