Reactjs social embed provide faster and easy wrapper to embed platform like youtube, twitter, instagram, vimeo and facebook. It Provides support for
- Youtube Video Embed
- Vimeo Video Embed
- Facebook posts and video Embed
- Instagram Post emvbed
- Twitter tweet emved
$ npm install --save reactjs-social-embed
import { Youtube } from 'reactjs-social-embed'
<Youtube width="100%" parentClass="p-container" iframeClass="v-container" id="w5GrxfjuTTI" />
Porps | Type |
id | string // youtube video id |
width | string // custom width of iframe |
height | string // custom width of iframe |
isPlaylist | bool // if video is in playlist |
autoPlay | bool |
parentClass | string |
iframeClass | string |
import { Instagram } from 'reactjs-social-embed'
<Instagram url="" />
Porps | Type |
url | string // insta video id |
width | string // custom width of iframe |
height | string // custom width of iframe |
hideCaption | bool // if you want to hide caption |
autoPlay | bool |
parentClass | string |
import { Facebook } from 'reactjs-social-embed'
<Facebook type="post" width="100%" height="680px" show_text={true}
url="" />
<Facebook type="video" width="100%" height="680px" show_text={true}
url="" />
Porps | Type |
type | string // wether it is post or video |
url | string // url |
width | string // custom width of iframe |
height | string // custom width of iframe |
show_text | bool // want to show caption |
parentClass | string |
iframeClass | string |
import { Twitter } from 'reactjs-social-embed'
<Twitter id="1169826984433606656" />
Porps | Type |
id | string // tweet id |
parentClass | string |
import { Vimeo } from 'reactjs-social-embed'
<Vimeo width="100%" id="378108134" />
Porps | Type |
id | string // vimeo video id |
width | string // vimeo width of iframe |
parentClass | string |
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- Option 1 )🍴 Fork this repo!
- Option 2) - 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
- HACK AWAY! 🔨🔨🔨
- 🔃 Create a new pull request.
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: Blitz Mobile Apps