Backend deployed on Heroku.
To get the server running locally:
- Clone this repo, then, cd into the repo in Terminal and:
- npm install to install all required dependencies.
- npm run server to start the local server.
- update .env store SQL server connection info there.
We built our backend, using Node, Express, GraphQL, and Knex to work with a MySQL database.
- Node: We all learned Node.js, and since we were taking on a lot of new libraries in this project, learning MySQL, Apollo-Server, Nivo, and more, we decided Node.js would meet our needs for building our API and free us up to learn new tools. We also see potential for realtime data updating in the future, and know Node is particularly useful in those applications.
- Apollo-Server-Express: We added a bit more usability to Node for our project using Express, a web application framework that lets us build a bit more rapidly.
- Knex: We used Knex to help us more efficiently build our queries.
- GraphQL: We used GraphQL as a server to the database to assert specific data points through queries which allow fetching a lot of data in a single request to a single API endpoint.
- MySQL: Sauti has a lot of data to work with: over 11k users and 115k sessions. In order to best meet their needs and visualize their data, we used their existing and preferred MySQL database to eliminate migration issues and complexity.
Description: It is necessary to understand that all of the data depicted on the deployed site is being retrieved through one single API endpoint. Through our usage of the GraphQL framework, we are able to send our database specific queries that retrieve appropriated data through this endpoint. The deployed URL is hidden behind an environment variable accessible to participants of this project.
GraphQL acts as a server to the existing database. GraphQL requires a schema to describe the shape of the data graph. The schema types are what populate from the stored backend data. We used schemas types that organize the requests needed to retrieve specific data from the existing database.
Queries are interactive, changable requests. Queries can traverse related objects and their fields which allows fetching a lot of data in a single request. The Query structure similarly reflect the GraphQL schema structure, and the results are based on what is indicated in the schema.
scalar Date
type TraderUser {
id: Int
gender: String
age: String
education: String
crossing_freq: String
crossing_location: String
produce: String
primary_income: String
language: String
country_of_residence: String
type TraderSession {
id: Int
gender: String
age: String
education: String
crossing_freq: String
produce: String
primary_income: String
language: String
country_of_residence: String
procedurecommodity: String
procedurecommoditycat: String
proceduredest: String
procedurerequireddocument: String
procedurerelevantagency: String
procedureorigin: String
commoditycountry: String
commoditymarket: String
commoditycat: String
commodityproduct: String
exchangedirection: String
created_date: Date
type DatabankUser {
id: Int
email: String
password: String
tier: UserTier
interest: String
organization: String
job_position: String
country: String
token: String
organization_type: OrganizationType
subscription_id: String
registration_date: String
updated: String
p_next_billing_time: String
found_by: FoundBy
paypal_plan: String
enum FoundBy {
enum UserTier {
enum OrganizationType {
type Error {
message: String
union EditedUserOrError = DatabankUser | Error
union DeletedUserOrError = DatabankUser | Error
union UpdateUserToFree = DatabankUser | Error
union AddPaypalPlanOrError = DatabankUser | Error
input newTraderInput {
id: Int
gender: String
age: String
education: String
crossing_freq: String
produce: String
primary_income: String
language: String
country_of_residence: String
input newTraderSessionInput {
id: Int
gender: String
age: String
education: String
crossing_freq: String
produce: String
primary_income: String
language: String
country_of_residence: String
procedurecommodity: String
procedurecommoditycat: String
proceduredest: String
procedurerequireddocument: String
procedurerelevantagency: String
procedureorigin: String
commoditycountry: String
commoditymarket: String
commoditycat: String
commodityproduct: String
exchangedirection: String
created_date: Date
input newEditUserInput {
id: Int!
email: String
password: String
tier: UserTier
interest: String
organization: String
job_position: String
country: String
organization_type: OrganizationType
subscription_id: String
input newUpdateUserToFreeInput {
id: Int
email: String!
subscription_id: String
input newAddPaypalPlanInput {
id: Int
email: String!
subscription_id: String
input newDeleteUserInput {
id: Int!
email: String
input newRegisterInput {
id: Int
email: String!
password: String!
tier: UserTier!
interest: String
organization: String
job_position: String
country: String
organization_type: OrganizationType!
found_by: FoundBy
input newLoginInput {
email: String!
password: String!
input Email {
email: String
type Query {
tradersUsers(input: newTraderInput): [TraderUser]!
sessionsData(input: newTraderSessionInput): [TraderSession]!
databankUsers: [DatabankUser]!
databankUser(input: Email!): DatabankUser!
type Mutation {
register(input: newRegisterInput!): DatabankUser!
login(input: newLoginInput!): DatabankUser!
editUser(input: newEditUserInput!): EditedUserOrError!
deleteUser(input: newDeleteUserInput!): DeletedUserOrError!
updateUserToFree(input: newUpdateUserToFreeInput!): UpdateUserToFree!
addPaypalPlan(input: newAddPaypalPlanInput!): AddPaypalPlanOrError!
sess_id: int(10) PK
cell_num: varchar(25)
created_date: datetime
udate: timestamp
data: text
platform_id: int(2)
notes: varchar(400)
cell_num: varchar(25)
gender: varchar(45)
age: varchar(45)
education: varchar(45)
crossing_freq: varchar(45)
produce: varchar(45)
primary_income: varchar(45)
language: varchar(45)
country_of_residence: varchar(45)
id: int(128) PK
platform_sessions_id: int(128)
procedurecommodity: text
procedurecommoditycat: text
proceduredest: text
procedurerequireddocument: text
procedurerelevantagency: text
procedureorigin: text
commoditycountry: text
commoditymarket: text
commoditycat: text
commodityproduct: text
exchangedirection: text
created_date: datetime
The file
in themodels
folder has the script that cleans the data from platform_sessions2 table and populates the trader demographic info in the traders table every 24 hours. -
The file
in themodels
folder has the script that cleans the data from platform_sessions2 table and populates the trader's sessions info in theparsed_data
table every 24 hours. -
The file
in themodels
folder is a function that cleans the data returned from the sessions table and breaks down the sessions into objects based on how many searches were perfomed in a session so that there is no more than one search for each catagory in a session. This presents the user with addtional objects as well as more accurate data. -
The file
in themodels
folder contians 4 objects an object called "products" that includes all possible products, an object called object called "categories" that includes all possible categories, an object calledprocedureComm
that correct several different spellings of various proceedure commodities, and an object calledmarkets
that corrects several different spellings of various markets. -
The file
in themodels
folder is a function that takes in the cleaned data and compares it to the dictionary indictionary.js
to remove several issues that caused duplicate or confusing data to return. Only values that exist in the dictionary can be returned as products or product categories, new addtions will have to be added to dictionary.js before they can be seen on the app. Markets that do not exist in the dictionary can be added so that the list can expand. The word "Market" is always removed from the entry to avoid duplicates. New Peoceedure Commodities can be added but several spelling errors are corrected. The presentation is also made more uniform (i.e. "Fresh Talapia" to "Talapia - Fresh")
In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up the proper environment variables on their local machines.
To populate an .env file with appropriate variables, reach out to Sauti for access for the following:
- username
- password
- database
- host
- deployed URL
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that answered a gender survey along with recorded gender.
- Returns the number of users who marked female in a gender survey.
- Returns the number of users who marked male in a gender survey.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that recorded a border crossing frequency.
- Returns the number of users who report crossing a border weekly.
- Returns the number of users who report crossing a border monthly.
- Returns the number of users who report never crossing a border.
- Returns the number of users who report crossing a border daily.
- Returns all users who reported any education history.
- Returns a count of all users who reported primary as their highest level of education.
- Returns a count of all users who reported secondary as their highest level of education.
- Returns a count of all users who reported university as their highest level of education.
- Returns a count of all users who reported they had no education.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that reported a language.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported English as their language.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Swahili as their language.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Kinyarwanda as their language.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Luganda as their language.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Lukiga as their language.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that reported a country of residence.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Kenya as their country of residence.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Uganda as their country of residence.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported Rwanda as their country of residence.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that reported an age demographic.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 10-20 years.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 20-30 years.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 30-40 years.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 40-50 years.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 50-60 years.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported an age between 60-70 years.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that reported an answer to the primary income question.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported small border trade as a primary source of income.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported small border trade was not their primary source of income.
- Returns all Sauti Databank users that reported an answer to the produce question.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported trading produce at the border.
- Returns the number of Sauti Databank users who reported that they do not trade produce at the border.
- Returns the most requested procedures for commodity categories.
- Returns the most requested document information for procedures.
- Returns the most requested agency information for procedures.
- Returns the most requested procedures for commodities.
- Returns the requested procedures for destination.
- Returns the final destination country.
- Returns the final destination market.
- Returns the exchange direction.
- Returns the top commodity categories.
- Returns the top commodities.
- Returns origin of traders' goods.
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
If you are having an issue with the existing project code, please submit a bug report under the following guidelines:
- Check first to see if your issue has already been reported.
- Check to see if the issue has recently been fixed by attempting to reproduce the issue using the latest master branch in the repository.
- Create a live example of the problem.
- Submit a detailed bug report including your environment & browser, steps to reproduce the issue, actual and expected outcomes, where you believe the issue is originating from, and any potential solutions you have considered.
We would love to hear from you about new features which would improve this app and further the aims of our project. Please provide as much detail and information as possible to show us why you think your new feature should be implemented.
If you have developed a patch, bug fix, or new feature that would improve this app, please submit a pull request. It is best to communicate your ideas with the developers first before investing a great deal of time into a pull request to ensure that it will mesh smoothly with the project.
Remember that this project is licensed under the MIT license, and by submitting a pull request, you agree that your work will be, too.
- Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
- Update the with details of changes to the interface, including new plist variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
- Ensure that your code conforms to our existing code conventions and test coverage.
- Include the relevant issue number, if applicable.
- You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.
These contribution guidelines have been adapted from this
See Frontend Documentation for details on the frontend of our project.