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Maternal anti-viral antibodies in human newborns

Here are scripts to perform analysis of systematic viral epitope scanning (VirScan). The principles behind the codes were described in [Xu et al. (2015)] (

The scripts have been used to obtain the results published in “The repertoire of maternal anti-viral antibodies in human newborns” Christian Pou, Dieudonné Nkulikiyimfura, Ewa Henckel, Axel Olin, Tadepally Lakshmikanth, Jaromir Mikes, Jun Wang, Yang Chen, Anna-Karin Bernhardsson, Anna Gustafsson, Kajsa Bohlin and Petter Brodin. (


  • Bowtie/1.2.0
  • Samtools/1.1
  • Python/3.5.4 (numpy/1.11.3, pandas/0.17.1, matplotlib/2.1.2)

Repo description

db <-- db directory with the input virus library
src/ <-- src directory contains python scripts
index/ <-- index directory with an index for the reference sequences

Documentation for each step of data analysis pipeline

The scripts available in this repo are all located in src/. The usage descriptions are provided in this readme

Align sequencing data to reference

Use Bowtie to align the reads to a reference sequence.
Before you can align, you need to build an index for the reference sequences.

This has been done for you and an index for the reference sequences is found in the index directory.

bzip2 -dc path/to/FASTQ_SEQUENCES.fastq.bz2 | bowtie -n 3 -l 30 -e 1000 --tryhard --nomaqround --norc --best --sam --quiet path/to/REFERENCE_OUTPUT_NAME - | samtools-1.1/bin/samtools view -u - | samtools-1.1/bin/samtools sort -T BAM_OUTPUT_NAME.bam - -o $@


  • path/to/FASTQ_SEQUENCES.fastq.bz2 is the path to the FASTQ file containing the sequencing reads
  • path/to/REFERENCE_OUTPUT_NAME is the path to bowtie index (without the .1.ebwt suffix)
  • BAM_OUTPUT_NAME.bam is the name of the bam file to which you will save the alignment results

Count reads

Use samtools idxstats command to count the number of reads for each sequence. Prior to that, it is necessary to index the bam file:

samtools index BAM_OUTPUT_NAME.bam

Then, count the number of reads for each reference sequence and converts it into a csv file.

samtool idxstats BAM_OUTPUT_NAME.bam | cut -f 1,3 | sed -e '/^\*\t/d' -e '1 i id\tSAMPLE_ID' | tr "\\t" "," >COUNT_FILE.csv

Where SAMPLE_ID is the id of the sample and COUNT_FILE.csv is the name of the count file.

To save space, compress the csv files with gzip:

gzip COUNT_FILE.csv

Calculate zero-inflated p-values from counts

The python script will calculate zero-inflated p-values for a set of output counts based on a set of input counts.

python OUTPUT.count.csv.gz INPUT.count.csv.gz log_directory >OUTPUT.zipval.csv

  • OUTPUT.count.csv is the output read count
  • INTPUT.count.csv is the input read count
  • log_directory is a directory where the script will save several plots showing model fits
  • OUTPUT.zipval.csv is the resulting zero-inflated p-values.

Call hits from replicate zero-inflated p-values

The python script will call hits based on replicate zero-inflated p-values.

python REPLICATE1.zipval.csv.gz REPLICATE2.zipval.csv.gz THRESHOLD log_directory >OUTPUT.zihit.csv

  • REPLICATE1.zipval.csv.gz and REPLICATE2.zipval.csv.gz are the two replicate zero-inflated pvalue files
  • THRESHOLD is the threshold zero-inflated p-value for calling hits (2.3 for VirScan)
  • log_directory is a directory where the script will save plots showing correlation between the replicates
  • OUTPUT.zihit.csv is the resulting hits. First column is oligo id, second is True/False

Calculate virus scores from hits

The python script calculates virus scores using the maximum parsimony approach.

python ZIHITS.zihit.csv.gz METADATA.csv.gz NHITS.BEADS.csv.gz NHITS.SAMPS.csv.gz GROUPING_LEVEL EPITOPE_LEN >OUTPUT.ziscore.spp.csv

  • ZIHITS.zihit.csv.gz is the gzipped results of
  • METADATA.csv.gz is the file containing the metadata for the virus library
  • NHITS.BEADS.csv.gz is a two column gzipped csv file, column 1 is oligo id, column 2 is the number of beads samples in which that oligo was a hit
  • NHITS.SAMPS.csv.gz is a two column gzipped csv file, column 1 is oligo id, column 2 is the number of non-beads samples in which that oligo was a hit
  • GROUPING_LEVEL can be Species or Organism, depending on
  • EPITOPE_LEN should be 7, the length of a linear epitope
  • OUTPUT.ziscore.spp.csv is a two column csv file.

Combine multiple cvss into one table

The script combines multiple csv files into one.


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