POST req for registering a user - /api/users/register - It requires a username and password, and it sends a token once registered.
POST req for logging in a user - /api/users/login - It requires a username and password, and it sends a token once log in is verified.
GET req to see individual user - /api/users/users - Allows front end access to users.
GET req to see posts by manage (on feed) - /api/manager/manage - Allows front end access to manage.
POST req to add user_id that is existing on the api - /api/manager/manage - requires a timestamp, code, value, user_id. We also accept a user_id as an optional input but not preferred.
POST req to getByUserId the user_id that is existing on the api - /api/manager/manage/:id - requires nothing. but sends a timestamp, code, value, user_id. We also accept get a respones from the ds backend with there prodictive modle.
DELETE req to delete a article - api/manager/manage/:id - use id of manage to delete it
PUT req to update a article - /api/manager/manage/:id - requires a timestamp, code, value, user_id. We also accept a user_id as an optional input but not preferred.