This project contains tools for validate occurrences of Crop Wild Relative. All rights are of CIAT
- Quick summary
- Version
- Summary of set up
- Configuration
- Dependencies
- How to run
- Wiki
This project is a set of tools aimed at the validation of occurrences of wild relatives of crops. With this tool you can validate the occurrences of different data source and make sure the information is correct. This process helps to validate occurrences from global database such as GBIF, among others.
Some of the process in this application such are data import to temporal database, data validation (called cross check), update register and generate reports about of the current status
- Last release (OccurrencesValidation.jar)
- Configuration File (conf.txt)
- Raster file of the world with the sea, land and coast or database already processed (waterbody.db)
- Inventory Database, (if you want validate the origin of the every species) (origin_stat_inventory.db)
- Shapefile validation, (It require all files of shape the main file is .shp) (VALIDATION_SHP.shp)
- R
- Geotools
You need have in the same folder the OccurrencesValidation.jar, folder lib, database of land's point (if you don't have it you may generate another from application with the raster file), Inventory's database and the configuration file.
Review data of variables in the file called conf.txt (configuration file), because this file have all parameters for that the application can be execute.
- R
- Taxonstand package for R installed. In the shield of R you can write the next commands for install the package
- The next libs .jar are include in the folder called "Libs"
$ java -jar OccurrencesValidation.jar