Online URL: https://holmesandwatson.herokuapp.com or https://share.streamlit.io/cmu-ids-2020/fp-holmesandwatson/main/Final_Project_Streamlit.py
Team members:
- Contact person: akratch@andrew.cmu.edu
- bwilkins@andrew.cmu.edu
Track: Narrative
Work was divided evenly amount group members. We were able to work together in person in order to achieve the end state.
Main deliverable is our streamlit application: Final_Project_Streamlit.py. This file is self contained and can be run by simply downloading it and using the command "streamlit run Final_Project_Streamlit.py"
- The URL at the top of this readme needs to point to your application online. It should also list the names of the team members.
- A completed proposal. The contact should submit it as a PDF on Canvas.
- Develop a prototype of your project.
- Create a 5 minute video to demonstrate your project and lists any question you have for the course staff. The contact should submit the video on Canvas.
- All code for the project should be in the repo.
- A 5 minute video demonstration.
- Update Readme according to Canvas instructions.
- A detailed project report. The contact should submit the video and report as a PDF on Canvas.