Project Name: A Pollution Intensity Monitoring System for Residential Heating
This project is a part of the large project behave of Climate Response Ireland. The scope of this project is defined as follows.
- A prototype device that consists of a Raspberry Pi and gas sensors (potentially multiple sensors)
- A Python client library for sending data to and receiving command from a cloud-based server
- A design of an efficient message routing scheme for sensor data and control command transmission that can scale to multi-million devices
- A software system for device and sensor management and sensor data visualisation
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note: we used Python version 3.x to test this code.
git clone
read and run it in your local PC by WebStorm IDE
Two methods
- Download jar file from @ Baidu Netdisk, @ Google Drive and run them.
- Go to back-end design part repository and read(compile) them by yourselves.(recommand!)
Note: Two Mysql tables are used in this project. You can download create table sql from sensor.sql, sensordata.sql
Agile Development is used in this project. To balance the workload of this project, work is separated into five sprints where each sprint is in two-weeks long. Based on the type of work, six long-term stories are designed and distributed to these five sprints roughly (see following diagram)
- Technical meeting is held on every Thursday where all the technical issues are put into discussion and tested.
- Scrum meeting is held on every Thursday where the issues relating to plan is discussed and experience is shared.
- Each scrum meeting is recorded, the problems from scrum meetings are collected and delivered to project manager in every Friday. Meeting Records
The project is divied into three parts, please see as following.
- Team members change the requirements into actual task that needs to be implemented, which successfully convert the requirements into operations.
- Team members learnt to communicate not only with each other but also with project managers. Communication is a major lesson that team learned in this project.
- Filter Test. In the future work, the functionality of testing filter will be implemented.
- Report Generating. After using this system, a report can be generated automatically based on the data.
- Data Sharing. This system will open the path of sharing data with social media. Users is allowed to share data or generated report on social media.
- Global implementation.
@Skyer19 - Mengyu Rao
@lihaoqiu0815 - Lihao Qiu
@JaeScholes - Zejie Yan
@mARk-LzZ - Zhezhi Lin
@IanZhao29 - Jianwei Zhao
- Thanks for financial support from Climate Response Ireland.
- Thanks for technical and mental support from Maynooth University and Fuzhou university.