Each file should contain a specific project I have worked on either through Code Academy or on my own through other training programs from sites like Kaggle, Tableau Public Support, and Dataquest.
The Code Academy projects should all have a clear label at the top and be written in a way that makes it obvious they are for a student. Basically, the Code Academy ones will look super fancy.
If you're going to pick three to look at, I'd recommend Tennis Stats, a challenge project where I applied what I jhave learned about regression models, or the MuscleHub project, which displays some of what I have learned about both SQL and Pandas. I'd then finish with the Yelp Regression project, which walks through the process of cleaning and evaluating yelp reviews to based on their actual content.
Please reach out to me with any questions or if you want to learn more about how or why I did something. All feedback is appreciated!
Descriptions of each specific file: -Fortune 500 Dataquest Example: This was my first foray into jupyter notebook. Shows examples of applying matplot and numpy. Problems and walkthrough came from Dataquest. -Reggie Linear Regression: application of for loops and arithmetic in python from Codeacademy. -Tennis Stats: An Unguided Linear Regression project from Codeacademy. -Biodiversity: A capstone project in which I applied what I have learned about pandas and matplotlib from Codeacademy. -Orion: Project applying what I learned about MatPlotLib from Codeacademy. -Kiva-Project-clinton: Applying what I learned about matplotlib and Seaborn from Codeacademy. -musclehubs-casestudy-clinton: applying some of what I learned about SQL and pandas from Codeacademy. -netflix-visualizations: applying what I learned about matplotlib and seaborn from Codeacademy. -yelp_regression-Clinton: Applying what I learned about cleaning data with pandas and then performing linear regression in CodeAcademy.