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CSteinmetz15 edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 1 revision


  • Installed Java Development Kit JDK >= 8. Environment variable JAVA_HOME must point to the installed JDK base directory. Prebuilt OpenJDK binaries can be get for free e.g. on Adoptium.
  • Installed Maven. Add the maven binary directory to the PATH variable. The shell command mvn -v should point out installed JDK >= 8 directory.
  • An internet connection to compile GAALOP (if no internet connection can be used, you need at least an access to a maven repository which is able to load maven artefacts)
  • (optional) Installed Maxima.
  • (optional) Git client to fetch sources of GAALOP. Git for Windows is available for Windows. For Linux, most package managers contain a git installation package.

Getting the source

Use shell command git clone or your git client GUI to fetch the sources. Alternatively, you can also download sources manually as archive from GAALOP repository.


Change to the source directory and use shell command mvn clean package in order to build GAALOP. After successful compilation, binary files can be found on distribution/target/distribution-x.y.z-bin/ directory. This directory is also available as precompiled binaries on GAALOP Website.

Starting GAALOP

After changing to distribution/target/distribution-x.y.z-bin/ directory, GAALOP can be started using the files start.bat (Windows) or (Linux). Alternatively, you can use the shell command java -jar starter-1.0.0.jar and the graphical user interface (GUI) opens. You're now ready to use GAALOP.

Using Maxima in GAALOP (optional)

In order to use the computer algebra system Maxima in GAALOP in order to get optimized code, click in GAALOP GUI on the "Configure" button. On the panel "Global Settings Plugin" set the maximaCommand value to the maxima binary and activate the optMaxima checkbox. In general, if you changed anything in the Configure panel, it is recommended to restart GAALOP in order to store the new configuration immediately.