This is a discord interaction and rest client lib that fits CapybaraLabs' needs. It is named after a beer which the original author was drinking when creating the repository.
Not all features of the Discord API have been implemented and tested. Some abstractions and ABIs could be better. Other than that however, this lib is suited for production use.
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation "dev.capybaralabs:shipa:x.y.z"
Include the project in your Spring Boot component scan, e.g. by using the provided module in your application launcher class:
class Launcher {
// ...
Discord properties are not optional.
If not otherwise configured, the interaction-receiving controller will be deployed to /api/interaction
application-id: 123
public-key: "abc"
bot-token: "xyz"
interaction-controller-path: "/webhook/interaction"
You need to provide an implementation for CommandLookupService
see InMemoryCommandLookupService for
You need to provide an implementation for InteractionRepository
see InMemoryInteractionRepository for
example. If you don't want to use the functionality, a noop implementation will do.
Commands should
implement InteractionCommand
. The passed in InteractionStateHolder
offers an API for responding.
CommandRegisterService can be used to register your commands with Discord.
Extended table from the related Discord Docs
FIELD | TYPE | Kotlin Type |
optional_field? | string | String? |
nullable_field | ?string | Optional<String> |
optional_and_nullable_field? | ?string | Optional<String>? |
The Kotlin types are somewhat unintuitively mapped, and require Jackson adjustments: We use
- Kotlin nullability to signal the optionality of a field
- Java's Optional to signal the nullability of a type
The main reason do to it this way is that there are fewer nullable types than optional fields in the Discord API, so we get to type less awkward Java Optional code.
TODO none of these are really verified to be correct / the only choices
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[*] --> Received : Webhook APPLICATION_COMMAND
Received --> MessageSent : Http.SendMessage
Received --> Thinking : Http.Ack
Thinking --> MessageSent : Rest.editOriginalResponse
MessageSent --> MessageSent : Rest.editOriginalResponse
MessageSent --> MessageSent : Rest.createFollowupMessage
MessageSent --> MessageSent : Rest.editFollowupMessage
Received --> TimedOut : 3 Seconds
Thinking --> TimedOut : 15 Minutes
MessageSent --> Done : 15 Minutes
TimedOut --> [*]
Done --> [*]
hide empty description
[*] --> Received : Webhook MESSAGE_COMPONENT
Received --> MessageUpdated : Http.SendMessage
Received --> Thinking : Http.AckUpdate
Thinking --> MessageUpdated : Rest.editOriginalResponse
' Not sure about these.
' MessageUpdated --> MessageUpdated : Rest.createFollowupMessage
' MessageUpdated --> MessageUpdated : Rest.editFollowupMessage
' Also actually not sure about this one
' MessageUpdated --> MessageUpdated : Rest.editOriginalResponse
Received --> TimedOut : 3 Seconds
Thinking --> TimedOut : 15 Minutes
MessageUpdated --> Done : 15 Minutes
TimedOut --> [*]
Done --> [*]
hide empty description
Received --> TimedOut : 3 Seconds
TimedOut --> [*]
Done --> [*]
hide empty description
TODO diagram with multiple interactions going back and forth.