Fix problem when the geocoding cache API is slow
[Geocoder] Do not use external APIs to geocode latitude/longitude
Geocoding window to allow IP Address geocode
New icon sets on the UI
Embeds in public page
Refactor column type change to date
Equal interval is actually doing another Quantile
Add success message on georeference
master branch tests stabilization after uuids migration
Give (more)/better info when georeferencing with admin regions fails
Failing sync tables from Dropbox Public folder
Create a default color for null values within cloropeths visualization
Unselecting all the fields in the filter widget produces an ugly query
When being a view mode warn that you cannot operate in contextual menus
tags are align-center instead of align left on the public tables list
Avoid each_char in CSV normalization but detect wrong multilines
When a geocode process fails, the background geocoder (the bar at the left bottom) is still visible
Fix error when creating organization users
Incorrect map count in map page
Retrieve more data in the geocoding response
Provide a default random name for url-based imports
"Map doesn't exist or private" for free user with public map
Change privacy button for dropdown doesn't work
Amazon S3 throws 403 on HEAD verb
Setup the backend to store the visualizations params
_setCustomVar for public pages
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