You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
- Access results of previous commands:
- Abort multi-line command without exiting:
iex --name app@ -S mix phx.server
iex --name inspector@ --remsh wds@
Both nodes need to be using name
or sname
Process Measurements
- size in words of the youngest heap generation of the process, also includes the stack. -
- words of all heap fragments of the process, also includes the stack and unreceived messages. -
- Size in bytes of the process. Includes call stack, heap, and internal structures.
Important: 1 Word is 8 bytes on a 64-bit architecture (4 bytes for 32-bit).
http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#process_info-2 https://hexdocs.pm/observer_cli/
- Make Erlang crash with a dump:
Each process has a separate stack and heap that grow towards each other.
When they
GC is triggered. -
If not enough garbage is collected, the heap grows.
There is also a global "large object" space (RefC binaries).
A fullsweep is triggered when there is no more room on the old heap.
- Maximum number of generational collections before forcing a fullsweep.
Start single application
iex> Application.start(:kv)
Start an application and its dependencies
iex> Application.ensure_all_started(:kv)
{:ok, [:logger, :kv]}
Sleep a process (mainly for testing)
# https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Process.html#sleep/1
Anonymous Functions
iex(13)> Enum.map([1,2,3], fn x -> x*x*x end)
[1, 8, 27]
iex(14)> Enum.map([1,2,3], &(&1*&1*&1))
[1, 8, 27]
iex(15)> Enum.map([1,2,3], &(:math.pow(&1,3) |> round))
[1, 8, 27]
:timer.tc(fn ->
for a <- 1..100, b <- 1..100, c <- 1..100, a*a + b*b == c*c, do: [a, b, c]
end) |> IO.inspect
# {30319,
# [
# [3, 4, 5],
# [4, 3, 5],
# [5, 12, 13],
:timer.tc(fn ->
for a <- 1..100, b <- (a+1)..100, c <- (b+1)..100, a*a + b*b == c*c, do: [a, b, c]
end) |> IO.inspect
# [
# [3, 4, 5],
# [5, 12, 13],
Unix Time
iex(4)> System.os_time(:second)
iex(12)> spawn Procs, :greeter, []
iex(13)> pid = v(-1)
iex(14)> send pid, "Hello"
Hello "Hello"
iex(15)> send pid, "World"
- Messages sent to nonexistent processes are quietly thrown away.
iex(1)> pid = spawn_link Procs, :counter, [3]
iex(2)> send pid, {:boom, :bad}
** (EXIT from #PID<0.271.0>) shell process exited with reason: :bad
Interactive Elixir (1.10.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> pid = spawn_link Procs, :counter, [3]
iex(2)> send pid, {:boom, :normal}
{:boom, :normal}
- By default, processes fail independently of each other
to link the fate of the current process to the spawned process - Non-normal process exit causes
to restart
can be used to flush and print all messages in the mailbox
iex> send self(), :hello
iex> flush()
Processes do not share memory, independently GC'd
Built for concurrency
Communication between Processes (Actors) happens via message passing
JVM maps threads to OS threads and lets OS schedule them
BEAM scheduler starts a thread per CPU core and manages the work
Maintains a "run queue" for processes, allows each process to run a certain number of statements, until complete, or until blocked by IO
:hackney_trace.enable(:max, :io)