I am a passionate AI & ML Engineer with a strong enthusiasm for programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and Python
🔭 I’m currently working on Website which provides one stop solution for dairy farmers
🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced JAVA and Machine Learning
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ML projects
📫 How to reach me keripalechinmay@gmail.com.
⚡ Fun fact I think I am Funny
- BASIC-JAVA - A collection of Java programs and concepts.
- PROBLEM-SOLVING-USING-JAVA - Solutions to various problems using Java.
- DSA-USING-JAVA - Data Structures and Algorithms implemented in Java.
- Python - A collection of Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks.
- ML-coding - Machine learning projects and experiments.
- PROBLEM-SOLVING-USING-PYTHON - Solutions to various problems using Python.
- Simple-registration-page - A simple HTML page for user registration.
- Simple-Login-page - A simple login page built with HTML.
- Simple-Calculator-using-HTML - A basic calculator application built using HTML.
- CPP - A collection of C++ projects and programs.
- Mini-Project - Various mini-projects showcasing different skills and technologies.