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Chris Wiegman's Hugo Theme

This repo contains the Hugo theme for


Your best option for using this theme, if you like the current style, is to download the code and copy it into your hugo themes directory. This will ensure that, as I inevitably change it, you won't get behind.

The alternative is to install it as a submodule or go module per the Hugo documentation.

Site Configuration:

See the following example for the configuration of my own site:

  "title": "Chris Wiegman",
  "baseURL": "",
  "params": {
    "mainSections": [
    "OpenGraph": true,
    "TwitterCards": false,
    "MobileWebAppTitle": "C Wiegman",
    "FediverseCreator": "",
    "description": "VP of Engineering, software developer, teacher, and blogger building teams and products focused on humane and sustainable technology.",
    "subtitle": "Software Developer, Teacher, Speaker and Blogger building teams and products",
    "imageSizes": [
    "imageSizeString": "(max-width: 850px) 850w, (max-width: 710px) 710w, (max-width: 300px) 300w",
    "license": {
      "name": "Creative Commons Licensed",
      "title": "Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license",
      "link": ""
    "policies": "/policies",
    "headerIcon": "images/2024/11/logo.png"
  "minify": {
    "minifyOutput": true
  "theme": "chriswiegman-hugo-theme",
  "html": {
    "keepDefaultAttrVals": false,
    "keepDocumentTags": false,
    "keepEndTags": false,
    "keepSpecialComments": false
  "menus": {
    "main": [
        "name": "About",
        "title": "About Chris Wiegman",
        "pageRef": "/about",
        "weight": 10
        "name": "Uses",
        "title": "My tools, both digital and analogue",
        "pageRef": "/uses",
        "weight": 20
        "name": "Blog",
        "title": "A list of all blog posts on this site going back to 2008",
        "pageRef": "/blog",
        "weight": 30
        "name": "Contact",
        "title": "Reach me via email",
        "url": "",
        "weight": 40
    "footer": [
        "name": "About",
        "title": "About Chris Wiegman",
        "pageRef": "/about",
        "weight": 10
        "name": "RSS",
        "title": "Subscribe to this site in your favorite feed reader",
        "pageRef": "/index.xml",
        "weight": 20
  "permalinks": {
    "posts": "/:year/:month/:slug/"
  "services": {
    "rss": {
      "limit": 30
  "languageCode": "en-us",
  "disableHugoGeneratorInject": true,
  "cleanDestinationDir": true,
  "enableRobotsTXT": true,
  "enableGitInfo": true,
  "canonifyURLs": true,
  "disableKinds": [
  "timeout": "90s",
  "outputs": {
    "home": [
    "section": [
    "taxonomy": [
    "term": [
  "markup": {
    "highlight": {
      "style": "gruvbox"
    "goldmark": {
      "parser": {
        "attribute": {
          "block": true
        "wrapStandAloneImageWithinParagraph": false
      "renderer": {
        "unsafe": true
      "renderHooks": {
        "image": {
          "enableDefault": true
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          "enableDefault": true