This is a long running daemon process which deals with demo deployment and management on the CloudCV servers.
Here is the complete design documentation for the new demo creation pipeline which this tool deals with.
To get started with the development follow the following steps.
$ git clone
$ cd origami-daemon
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
# Start using origamid
$ origamid
# Run celery workers
# Make sure that rabbitmq-server is running
$ celery -A origamid worker -l info
# Run server
$ origamid run_server
This project uses tox for testing purposes. To set up testing environment install test-requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Documentation for the project can be found in docs
- The project uses sphinx for building documentation coupled with read the docs theme.
- New Demo Creation pipeline (Wiki link)