v1.8.1 Bootstrap otp and other usability/security enhancements
This is a catch-up release with many features geared towards AWS based deployments.
- Bootstrap OTP flow including both self-generated AND admin generated
- x509 authentication for some admin operations
- Optional use of AWS secrets Manager to sync and distribute TLS certificate and private Keys
- Optional use of AWS secrets Manager to store CA passphrase and database Credentials
- Optional use of LetsEncrypt for ceritificate release and renewal
- Route53 DNS registration/de-registration for auto-scaling deployments
- Optional STONITH like capability for termination of unhealthy instances
Bugfixes/Security Fixes
- Updated jquery to 3.5.1
- Updated order of ciphersuites for HTTP2
- Updated go builders to 1.4.7 (linux, darwin), 1.4.6 (windows)