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Code Louisville Basics

Brian Luerman edited this page May 4, 2020 · 10 revisions


What if I fall behind?

It happens, and it's not the end of the world if you fall a little behind. Please reach out to a staff member if there's anything actionable we can do to help you get caught up or if you just want to talk through your difficulties. Falling more than 2 weeks behind makes it very difficult to catch up but is not impossible! Work with your mentors and ask questions about anything you're stuck on.

What if I need to restart?

Unfortunately the program has a long wait list to get in, so we have to make room for other students. If you are unable to finish the program, you will be unable to restart. Please contact us if you think you're in danger of having to drop so we can try and find a solution.

Graduates of at least one course are welcome to return for other back-end classes or withdraw from their current class if they need to, as long as seats are available.

What if I need to miss a meetup?

We understand! We require you to miss no more than three (3) meetups per cohort. Missing more than 3 will result in being permanently withdrawn from the program. Contact us before you reach this point to see if we can help! You may be able to switch to another night, temporarily.

What if I can't attend on my scheduled night, but I don't want to be absent that week?

You may attend another meetup during the week as your schedule allows, as long as meetups and seats are available. Contact a staff member and ask about availability for other nights before showing up.

What if I have to be late to a meetup or leave early from a meetup?

Please speak to a staff member about this as early as possible. Attendance for the duration of class is mandatory, but we understand life happens and sometimes you have to leave early or come late. We can work with you if you let us know. Leaving early without letting us know may result in an absence being marked against you.