This is a simple "windows only" command line tool written in c++ for using multiple playback devices at the same time.
You can download the latest release from the releases.
Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where you extracted the files.
Run with -h flag for help
> cd "path to your folder"
> ./syncwave.exe -h
-h, --help Display this help menu
-l, --list-devices List available devices
-d[device], --device=[device] Output device number
You can use the --list-devices command to list the available devices for playback on your system.
> ./SyncWave.exe --list-devices
Available Devices
0: Headphones (Sushi) -> (default)
1: TS35505 (HD Audio Driver for Display Audio)
2: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
Then with the -d command you can specify the output device you want to loopback your audio from.
It takes in the device number listed with the --list-devices command
> ./SyncWave.exe -d 1
The project is built using cmake and MSVC only.
The third-party libraries used are-
All these libraries are already included in the source so you don't need to setup any of them. I have modified the g3log a little bit so other versions may not work.
Build with cmake...
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build .
For release version use
> cmake --build . --config Release
I would prefer you to use only visual studio generator with it as I have only tested it with that and it is also windows only