Vlocity Build is a command line tool to export and deploy Vlocity DataPacks in a source control friendly format through a YAML Manifest describing your project. Its primary goal is to enable Continuous Integration for Vlocity Metadata through source control. It is written as a Node.js Command Line Tool.
The Product2 DataPack has been modified to include all Pricebook and PriceList Entries for the Product. This means that a Product can be migrated from one org to another along with its Pricing Information without migrating the other Products in the Pricebook and Price List.
Running packUpdateSettings
and re-exporting the Product2, Pricebook and PriceList is necessary to migrate to the new format, however existing data should still be deployable with the new changes.
If you have any issues with these changes you can install the previous version of the tool with:
npm install --global https://github.com/vlocityinc/vlocity_build#v1.5.7
- Installation Instructions
- Getting Started
- Step by Step Guide
- The Job File
- Troubleshooting
- All Commands
- Advanced Job File Settings
- Supported DataPack Types
- Advanced
- OmniOut
Download and Install Node at:
This project requires Node Version 8+.
Use node -v
to find out which version you are on.
You can install and use this project without cloning the repo using the following commands:
npm install --global https://github.com/vlocityinc/vlocity_build
vlocity help
This should show a list of all available commands confirming that the project has been setup successfully. You can now run this command from any folder.
All releases for this Project can be found at: https://github.com/vlocityinc/vlocity_build/releases
Each release includes a Binary for:
Windows x64
Windows x86
To Install an Older Version of the Vlocity Build Tool use the following command:
npm install --global https://github.com/vlocityinc/vlocity_build#v1.5.7
vlocity help
It is no longer advised to clone the Vlocity Build Repository directly. If you have previously cloned the Vlocity Build Project and are having issues with the alias vlocity
still being used as the cloned project, please use the following command in the cloned vlocity_build
npm unlink .
If you would like to use the Vlocity Build Project from its Source, please use the following command in the cloned vlocity_build
npm link
npm install
To begin, create your own property files for your Source and Target Salesforce Orgs with the following:
sf.username = < Salesforce Username >
sf.password = < Salesforce Password + Security Token >
sf.loginUrl = < https://login.salesforce.com or https://test.salesforce.com for Sandbox >
When you (or your CI/CD server) is behind a proxy you can specify the proxy URL with a Username and password by adding the below line to your property file:
sf.httpProxy: http://[<Proxy server Username>:<Proxy server Password>@]<Proxy hostname>[:<Proxy Port>]
Additionally there is support for OAuth style information sent through the command line or property file:
vlocity packExport -sf.authToken <authToken> -sf.instanceUrl <instanceUrl> -sf.sessionId <sessionId>
It is best to not rely on a single build.properties file and instead use named properties files for each org like build_source.properties
and build_target.properties
Commands follow the syntax:
vlocity packExport -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath>
The propertyfile is used to provide the credentials of the org you will connect to. It will default to build.properties if no file is specified.
The Job File used to define the project location and the various settings for running a DataPacks Export / Deploy.
Once you have your build_source.properties
file setup, you can get started with mirgation with the following:
Example.yaml shows the most Simple Job File that can be used to setup a project:
projectPath: ./example_vlocity_build
- VlocityDataPackType: DataRaptor
query: Select Id from %vlocity_namespace%__DRBundle__c where Name = 'DataRaptor Migration' LIMIT 1
Run the following command to export this Job File:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job dataPacksJobs/Example.yaml packExport
Which will produce the following output:
Salesforce Org >> source_org@vlocity.com
VlocityDataPackType >> DataRaptor
Query >> Select Id from vlocity_cmt__DRBundle__c where Name = 'DataRaptor Migration' LIMIT 1
Records >> 1
Query Total >> 1
Initializing Project
Exporting >> DataRaptor a191N000012pxsYQAQ
Creating file >> example_vlocity_build/DataRaptor/DataRaptor-Migration/DataRaptor-Migration_DataPack.json
Salesforce Org >> source_org@vlocity.com
Current Status >> Export
Successful >> 1
Errors >> 0
Remaining >> 0
Elapsed Time >> 0m 5s
Salesforce Org >> source_org@vlocity.com
Export success:
1 Completed
This has exported data from the org specified in your build_source.properties
file and written it to the folder example_vlocity_build
specified in the Example.yaml
file found at dataPacksJobs/Example.yaml
To deploy the data you just exported run the following command:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job Example.yaml packDeploy
Which will produce the following output:
Salesforce Org >> target_org@vlocity.com
Current Status >> Deploy
Adding to Deploy >> DataRaptor/DataRaptor Migration - DataRaptor-Migration
Deploy Success >> DataRaptor/DataRaptor Migration - DataRaptor-Migration
Salesforce Org >> target_org@vlocity.com
Current Status >> Deploy
Successful >> 1
Errors >> 0
Remaining >> 0
Elapsed Time >> 0m 4s
Salesforce Org >> target_org@vlocity.com
When Exporting and Deploying between two Orgs use the following action plan:
- Create Property Files for each Org.
- Create a Job File which identifies your projectPath and the queries for the DataPack Types you would like to export. To export the Vlocity Product Catalog, use the following EPC.yaml file:
projectPath: vlocity
- AttributeCategory
- CalculationProcedure
- ContextAction
- ContextDimension
- ContextScope
- EntityFilter
- ObjectClass
- ObjectContextRule
- ObjectLayout
- Pricebook2
- PriceList
- PricingVariable
- Product2
- Promotion
- Rule
- TimePlan
- TimePolicy
- UIFacet
- UISection
- VlocityFunction
- VlocityPicklist
- Ensure High Data Quality in the Source Org by running:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml cleanOrgData
- Update your DataPack Settings in the source Org to the latest in the Vlocity Build Tool by running:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packUpdateSettings
This step will deliver changes to the DataPack settings outside the Vlocity Managed Package installation flow and should be run after upgrading/installing the package or on new Sandbox orgs. - Run the Export:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packExport
- If you encounter any Errors during Export please evaluate their importance. Any error during export points to potential errors during deploy. See the troubleshooting section of this document for more details on fixing errors. Once errors are fixed, run the following to re-export any failed data:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packRetry
If your Export fails midway through due to conenction issues, you can also use the following to pick the export back up where it left off:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packContinue
- Check the Exported Data for Potential Issues:
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml validateLocalData
This will give a summary of Duplicate and Missing Global Keys. Use the argument--fixLocalGlobalKeys
to automatically add missing and change duplicate keys. However it is generally better to fix the data in the Org itself. - Ensure High Data Quality in the Target Org by running:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml cleanOrgData
- Ensure your Vlocity Metadata is high quality by running:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml refreshProject
This command helps fix any broken references in the project. - Update the DataPack Settings in the Target Org:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packUpdateSettings
- Run the deploy:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packDeploy
- If you encounter any Errors during deploy they must be fixed. But first, evaluate whether the error has been mitigated by later uploads of missing data. Run:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packRetry
Which will retry the failed DataPacks, often fixing errors due to issues in the order of deploy or Salesforce Governor limits.packRetry
should be run until the error count stops going down after each run. See the troubleshooting section of this document for more details on fixing errors.
All together the commands are:
# Source Org
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml cleanOrgData
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packUpdateSettings
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packExport
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml packRetry # If any errors
vlocity -propertyfile build_source.properties -job EPC.yaml validateLocalData
# Target Org
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml cleanOrgData
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml refreshProject
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packUpdateSettings
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packDeploy
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties -job EPC.yaml packRetry # If any errors
If you have recently installed the Vlocity Managed Package or created a Sandbox Org that is not a Full Copy Sandbox and have done no development this Salesforce Org, you should run the following command to load all the default Vlocity Metadata:
vlocity -propertyfile build_target.properties --nojob packUpdateSettings refreshVlocityBase
This will install the Base UI Templates, CPQ Base Templates, EPC Default Objects and any other default data delivered through Vlocity DataPacks. This command should only be run if the Org was not previously used for Vlocity Development.
A Job File is similar to a Salesforce package.xml file, however it also includes runtime options like the maximum number of concurrent API calls running.
The Default Job Settings will automatically be used if not explicitly specified in your file, and it is best to not add settings to the file unless you want to change them from the defaults.
The Job File's primary settings that you should define is specifying the folder that you would like to use to contain your project.
projectPath: ../myprojectPath
The projectPath can be the absolute path to a folder or the relative path from where you run the vlocity command.
By default, all data will be exported from the org when running the packExport
command. To narrow the exported data, you can define any Salesforce SOQL query that returns the Id of records you would like to export.
- VlocityDataPackType: DataRaptor
query: Select Id from %vlocity_namespace%__DRBundle__c where Name LIKE '%Migration' LIMIT 1
This query will export a DataRaptor Vlocity DataPack by querying the SObject table for DataRaptor DRBundle__c
and even supports the LIMIT 1
and LIKE
projectPath: ./example_vlocity_build
- VlocityDataPackType: DataRaptor
query: Select Id from %vlocity_namespace%__DRBundle__c LIMIT 1
When creating your own Job File, the only setting that is very important is the projectPath which specifies where the DataPacks files will be written.
All other settings will use the Default Project Settings.
By Default, all DataPack Types will be Exported when running packExport, so to override the Export data, it is possible to use predefined queries, or write your own.
Vlocity has defined full queries for all Supported DataPack Types which will export all currently Active Vlocity Metadata. This is the most simple way to define your own Job File queries.
To Export All DataRaptors and OmniScripts from the Org use:
projectPath: ./myprojectPath
- DataRaptor
- OmniScript
This predefined syntax is defined in dataPacksJobs/QueryDeifnitions.yaml and will load the following explicit queries:
- VlocityDataPackType: DataRaptor
query: Select Id, Name from %vlocity_namespace%__DRBundle__c where %vlocity_namespace%__Type__c != 'Migration'
- VlocityDataPackType: OmniScript
query: Select Id, %vlocity_namespace%__Type__c, %vlocity_namespace%__SubType__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Language__c from %vlocity_namespace%__OmniScript__c where %vlocity_namespace%__IsActive__c
= true AND %vlocity_namespace%__IsProcedure__c = false
The WHERE clauses show that these Queries will Export all DataRaptors that are not internal Vlocity Configuration Data and all Active OmniScripts.
When Exporting, the DataPacks API will additionally export all dependencies of the Vlocity DataPacks which are being exported. So Exporting just the OmniScripts from an Org will also bring in all referenced DataRaptors, VlocityUITemplates, etc, so that the OmniScript will be fully usable once deployed.
Running packExport
with no queries defined in your Job File will export all the predefined queries for each type. If you do have some special queires defined, you can also run: packExportAllDefault
to specify running all the default queries.
Three log files are generated for every command run.
- This file is a summary of what was executed during the command just run. It will appear in directory you are running the command.
- This file will contain the errors during the job. It will appear in directory you are running the command.
- This is a saved version of the VlocityBuildLog.yaml in the logs folder for every command run.
Once Exported it is very important to validate that your data is in state that is ready to be deployed. The Vlocity Build tool primarily relies on unique data in fields across the different objects to prevent duplicate data being uploaded.
Generally errors will be due to missing or incorrect references to other objects.
Error >> DataRaptor --- GetProducts --- Not Found
Error >> VlocityUITemplate --- ShowProducts --- Not Found
This "VlocityUITemplate --- ShowProducts --- Not Found" error during Export means that something, likely an OmniScript, has a reference to a VlocityUITemplate that is not currently Active or does not exist in the org as a VlocityUITemplate. In some cases the VlocityUITemplate for an OmniScript can actually be included inside the Visualforce Page in which the OmniScript is displayed. In that case, this error can be completely ignored. The DataRaptor Not Found means that likely someone deleted or changed the name of the DataRaptor being referenced without updating the OmniScript using it.
Errors occurring during Export will likely result in Errors during deploy. But not always. Errors during Deploy will occur when a Salesforce Id reference is not found in the target system:
Deploy Error >> Product2/02d3feaf-a390-2f57-a08c-2bfc3f9b7333 --- iPhone --- No match found for vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__c.vlocity_cmt__ChildProductId__c - vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__c=db65c1c5-ada4-7952-6aa5-8a6b2455ea02
In this Error the Product being deployed is the iPhone with Global Key 02d3feaf-a390-2f57-a08c-2bfc3f9b7333
and the error is stating that one of the Product Child Items could not find the referenced product with Global Key db65c1c5-ada4-7952-6aa5-8a6b2455ea02
. This means the other Product must also be deployed.
In the error, after No match found for
it is signifying a Reference Field on the SObject with the missing data <SObject>.<FieldName>
or in this example vlocity_cmt__ProductChildItem__c.vlocity_cmt__ChildProductId__c
. After this it is indicating what Data is in the DataPack's saved reference: vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__c=db65c1c5-ada4-7952-6aa5-8a6b2455ea02
. This is the Global Key of the Product2 being referenced by the field ChildProductId__c
on the SObject ProductChildItem__c
. If it is clear that the referenced data does exist, in this case a Product2 with vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__c=db65c1c5-ada4-7952-6aa5-8a6b2455ea02
, make sure that the Matching Key for this SObject type is correctly aligned between your two environments.
Deploys will run all of the Triggers associated with Objects during their import. As there are various rules across the Vlocity Data Model, sometimes errors will occur due to attempts to create what is considered "bad data". These issues must be fixed on a case by case basis.
Some errors are related to potential data quality issues:
Product2/adac7afa-f741-80dd-9a69-f8a5aa61eb56 >> IPhone Charger - Error - Product you are trying to add is missing a Pricebook Entry in pricebook >>2018 Pricebook<< Please add product to pricebook and try again
While not clear from the wording, this error indicates that one of the Child Products being added to this Product will potentially cause issues because the Child Product is not in the 2018 Pricebook. To workaround this issue it is most simple to disable temporarily disable the listed Pricebook. This error is generally caused by a cascading failure and can also be solved by deploying the listed pricebook on its own with the command:
vlocity packDeploy -manifest '["Pricebook2/2018 Pricebook"]'
Some errors are related to conflicting data. For Attribute Category Display Sequence you will receive the following:
Error >> AttributeCategory/Product_Attributes --- Product Attributes --- duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>
This error means that a Unique field on the Object is a duplicate of an existing Unique field value. Unfortunately it does not always provide the actual Id. Update the display sequence value for an existing Attribute Category objects in Target Org.
Records with the same Display Sequence can be found via the SOQL query:
Select Id, Name from %vlocity_namespace%__AttributeCategory__c where %vlocity_namespace%__DisplaySequence__c = %DisplaySequence__c from DataPack.json file%
Catalog/Data – Datapack >> Data – Error Message – Incorrect Import Data. Multiple Imported Records will incorrecty create the same Saleforce Record. vlocity_cmt__CatalogProductRelationship__c: 20MB Plan
These errors mean there are duplicates in the data. Multiple records with the same data for vlocity_cmt__CatalogProductRelationship__c: 20MB Plan
(this is the Name). The Matching Key for a CatalogProductRelationship__c object is %vlocity_namespace%__CatalogId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Product2Id__c
(See Current Matching Keys). Therefore, this error means that there are two references to the same product inside the same Catalog, which is not allowed. The Duplicates must be removed from the Source Org and Re-Exported.
Product2/adac7afa-f741-80dd-9a69-f8a5aa61eb56 -- Datapack >> IPhone Charger -- Error Message -- Some records were not processed. Please validate imported data types.
This error means that during the Deploy some of the Records that exist as part of the DataPack Data were not upserted into Salesforce. This generally means that there is a mismatch between the Configuration Data in the target org compared to the Source Org. Re-running packUpdateSettings
in both orgs is the best way to solve this issue.
This tool includes a script to help find and eliminate "bad data". It can be run with the following command:
vlocity -propertyfile <propertyfile> -job <job> cleanOrgData
This will run Node.js script that Adds Global Keys to all SObjects missing them, and deletes a number of Stale data records that are missing data to make them useful.
Most objects being deployed have a field or set of fields used to find unique records like an External Id in Salesforce. For many Vocity Objects this is the Global Key field. If a Deploy finds 1 object matching the Global Key then it will overwrite that object during deploy. If it finds more than 1 then it will throw an error:
Deploy Error >> Product2/02d3feaf-a390-2f57-a08c-2bfc3f9b7333 --- iPhone --- Duplicate Results found for Product2 WHERE vlocity_cmt__GlobalKey__c=02d3feaf-a390-2f57-a08c-2bfc3f9b7333 - Related Ids: 01t1I000001ON3qQAG,01t1I000001ON3xQAG
This means that Duplicates have been created in the org and the data must be cleaned up.
While there are protections against missing or duplicate Global Keys the logic is often in triggers which may have at points been switched off, and sometimes applies to data that may have existed before the Vlocity Package was installed.
You can fix missing GlobalKeys by running the following command which will start a set of Batch Jobs to add Global Keys to any Objects which are missing them:
vlocity -propertyfile <propertyfile> -job <job> runJavaScript -js cleanData.js
This will run Node.js script that Adds Global Keys to all SObjects missing them, and deletes a number of Stale data records that are missing data to make them useful.
However, when you are attempting to migrate data from one org to another where both orgs have missing GlobalKeys, but existing data that should not be duplicated, a different strategy may need to be used to produce GlobalKeys that match between orgs.
Ultimately the best validation for a deploy will be testing the functionality directly in the org.
After Export the command validateLocalData
can be used to detect missing and duplicate GlobalKeys in the local files that have been exported.
Another way to see any very clear potential issues is to see if recently deployed data matches exactly what was just exported.
You can run the following command to check the current local data against the data that exists in the org you deployed to:
vlocity -propertyfile build_uat.properties -job Example.yaml packGetDiffs
This will provide a list of files that are different locally than in the org. In the future more features will be added to view the actual diffs.
: Export from a Salesforce org into a DataPack Directory
: Export a Single DataPack by Id
: Export All Default DataPacks as listed in Supported Types Table
: Deploy all contents of a DataPacks Directory
: Continues a job that failed due to an error
: Continues a Job retrying all deploy errors or re-running all export queries
: Check for Missing Global Keys in Data.
: Run Scripts to Clean Data in the Org and Add Global Keys to SObjects missing them
: Refresh the Project's Data to the latest format for this tool
: Deploy only files that are modified compared to the target Org
: Find all Diffs in Org Compared to Local Files
: Build a DataPacks Directory into a DataPack file
: Rebuild all DataPacks running JavaScript on each or run a Node.js Script
: Refreshes the DataPacks Settings to the version included in this project. Recommended only if you are on the latest Major version of the Vlocity Managed Package
: Runs Anonymous Apex specified in the option -apex at the specified path or in the /apex folder
: Get list of all DataPacks that can be exported
: Deploy and Activate the Base Vlocity DataPacks included in the Managed Package
will retrieve all Vlocity Metadata from the org as Vlocity DataPacks as defined in the Job File and write them to the local file system in a Version Control friendly format.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packExport
will export a single DataPack and all its dependencies. It also supports only exporting the single DataPack with no dependencies by setting the depth.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packExportSingle -type <VlocityDataPackType> -id <Salesforce Id> -depth <Integer>
Max Depth is optional and a value of 0 will only export the single DataPack. Max Depth of 1 will export the single DataPack along with its first level depedencies.
will retrieve all Vlocity Metadata instead of using the Job File definition.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packExportAllDefault
will deploy all contents in the projectPath of the Job File to the Salesforce Org.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packDeploy
will find and fix issues in the Org Data. It will add values to missing Global Keys and detect Duplicate Global Keys. Duplicate Global Keys must be fixed in the Org.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> cleanOrgData
will find and can fix issues in the local data files. It will detect Missing and Duplicate Global Keys. Using the argument --fixLocalGlobalKeys
will add missing Global Keys and change duplicate Global Keys to a new GUID.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> validateLocalData --fixLocalGlobalKeys
will rebuild the folders for the Data at the projectPath. Additonally, it will resolve any missing references between the files to ensure they deploy in the correct order.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> refreshProject
can be used to resume the job that was running before being cancelled or if there was an unexpected error. It will work for Export or Deploy.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packContinue
can be used to restart the job that was previously running and will additionally set all Errors back to Ready to deployed again.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packRetry
will provide a list of files that are different locally than in the org. In the future more features will be added to view the actual diffs.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packGetDiffs
will first find all files that are different locally than in the target Org, and then will deploy only the DataPacks that have changed or are new.
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> packGetDiffsAndDeploy
While this may take longer than doing an actual deploy, it is a great way to ensure that you are not updating items in your org more than necessary.
The Job File has a number of additonal runtime settings that can be used to define your project and aid in making Exports / Deploys run successfully. However, the Default settings should only be modified to account for unique issues in your Org.
projectPath: ../my-project # Where the project will be contained. Use . for this folder.
# The Path is always relative to where you are running the vlocity command,
# not this yaml file
expansionPath: datapack-expanded # The Path relative to the projectPath to insert
# the expanded files. Also known as the DataPack Directory
# in this Doecumentation
Exports can be setup as a series of queries or a manifest.
Queries support full SOQL to get an Id for each DataPackType. You can have any number of queries in your export. SOQL Queries can use %vlocity_namespace%__
to be namespace independent or the namespace of your Vlocity Package can be used.
- DataRaptor
- VlocityDataPackType: VlocityUITemplate
query: Select Id from %vlocity_namespace%__VlocityUITemplate__c where Name LIKE 'campaign%'
Export by Predefined Queries is the recommened approach for defining your Project and you can mix the predefined and explicit queries as shown above
The primary use of this tool is to write the results of the Export to the local folders at the expansionPath. There is a large amount of post processing to make the results from Salesforce as Version Control friendly as possible.
Additionally, an Export Build File can be created as part of an Export. It is a single file with all of the exported DataPack Data in it with no post processing.
exportBuildFile: AllDataPacksExported.json
This file is not Importable to a Salesforce Org through the DataPacks API, but could be used to see the full raw output from a Salesforce Org. Instead, use the BuildFile task to create an Importable file.
The manifest defines the Data used to export. Not all types will support using a manifest as many types are only unique by their Id. VlocityDataPackTypes that are unique by name will work for manifest. These are limited to: DataRaptor, VlocityUITemplate, VlocityCard
- Campaign-Story
- Type: Insurance
Sub Type: Billing
Language: English
Due to the limitation that not all DataPackTypes support the manifest format. It is best to use the Export by Queries syntax
You can export individual SObjects by using the VlocityDataPackType SObject. This will save each SObject as its own file.
vlocity packExport -type SObject -query "SELECT Id from PricebookEntry WHERE Id in ('01u0a00000I4ON2AAN', '01u0a00000I4ON2AAN')"
This will export the PricebookEntries into a folder called SObject_PricebookEntry.
This method is also very good for adding Custom Settings to Version Control, however it requires creating Matching Key Records for your Custom Setting. See Creating Custom Matching Keys for more information on Matching Keys. You can specify a Custom Setting in your job file as follows:
- VlocityDataPackType: SObject
query: Select Id from MyCustomSetting__c
This will export the MyCustomSetting__c records into a folder called SObject_MyCustomSetting.
This specifies a File to create from the DataPack Directory. It could then be uploaded through the DataPacks UI in a Salesforce Org.
buildFile: ProductInfoPhase3.json
Vlocity has identified the Anonymous Apex that should run during most Deploys. It is not necessary to change these settings unless you want to change the default behavior. Currently the Vlocity Templates and Vlocity Cards will be deactivated before Deploy, and Products will have their Attribute JSON Generated after Deploy.
Anonymous Apex will run before and After a Job by job type and before each step of a Deploy. Available types are Import, Export, Deploy, BuildFile, and ExpandFile. Apex files live in vlocity_build/apex. You can include multiple Apex files with "//include FileName.cls;" in your .cls file.
Deploy: DeactivateTemplatesAndLayouts.cls
With this default setting, the Apex Code in DeativateTemplatesAndLayouts.cls will run before the deploy to the org. In this case it will Deactivate the Vlocity Templates and Vlocity UI Layouts (Cards) associated with the Deploy. See Advanced Anonymous Apex for more details.
The Job file additionally supports some Vlocity Build based options and the options available to the DataPacks API. All Options can also be passed in as Command Line Options with -optionName <value>
or --optionName
for Boolean values.
Option | Description | Type | Default |
activate | Will Activate everything after it is imported / deployed | Boolean | false |
addSourceKeys | Generate Global / Unique Keys for Records that are missing this data. Improves ability to import exported data | Boolean | false |
buildFile | The target output file from packBuildFile | String | AllDataPacks.json |
defaultMaxParallel | The number of parallel processes to use for export | Integer | 1 |
compileOnBuild | Compiled files will not be generated as part of this Export. Primarily applies to SASS files currently | Boolean | false |
continueAfterError | Don't end vlocity job on error | Boolean | false |
delete | Delete the VlocityDataPack__c file on finish | Boolean | true |
exportPacksMaxSize | Split DataPack export once it reaches this threshold | Integer | null |
expansionPath | Secondary path after projectPath to expand the data for the Job | String | . |
ignoreAllErrors | Ignore Errors during Job. It is recommeneded to NOT use this setting. | Boolean | false |
manifestOnly | If true, an Export job will only save items specifically listed in the manifest | Boolean | false |
maxDepth | The max distance of Parent or Children Relationships from initial data being exported | Integer | -1 |
maximumDeployCount | The maximum number of items in a single Deploy. Setting this to 1 combined with using preStepApex can allow Deploys that act against a single DataPack at a time | Integer | 1000 |
processMultiple | When false each Export or Import will run individually | Boolean | true |
supportForceDeploy | Attempt to deploy DataPacks which have not had all their parents successfully deployed | Boolean | false |
supportHeadersOnly | Attempt to deploy a subset of data for certain DataPack types to prevent blocking due to Parent failures | Boolean | false |
useAllRelationships | Determines whether or not to store the _AllRelations.json file which may not generate consistently enough for Version Control. Recommended to set to false. | Boolean | true |
useVlocityTriggers | Boolean | Turn on / off Vlocity's AllTriggers Custom Setting during the Deploy | true |
disableVlocityTriggers | Boolean | Turn off Vlocity's AllTriggers Custom Setting during the Deploy | false |
Option | Description | Type | Default |
apex | Apex Class to run with the runApex command | String | none |
folder | Path to folder containing Apex Files when using the runApex command | String | none |
javascript | Path to javascript file to run when using the runJavaScript command | String | none |
json | Output the result of the Job as JSON Only. Used in CLI API applications | Boolean | false |
json-pretty | Output the result of the Job as more readable JSON Only. Used in CLI API applications | Boolean | false |
job | Path to job file | String | none |
manifest | JSON of VlocityDataPackKeys to be processed | JSON | none |
nojob | Run command without specifying a Job File. Will use all default settings | Boolean | false |
propertyfile | Path to propertyfile which can also contain any Options | String | build.properties |
query | SOQL Query used for packExportSingle command | String | none |
queryAll | Query all default types. Overrides any project settings | Boolean | false |
quiet | Don't log any output | Boolean | false |
sandbox | Set sf.loginUrl to https://test.salesforce.com | Boolean | false |
sf.accessToken | Salesforce Access Token when using OAuth info | String | none |
sf.instanceUrl | Salesforce Instance URL when using OAuth info | String | none |
sf.loginUrl | Salesforce Login URL when sf.username + sf.password | String | https://login.salesforce.com |
sf.password | Salesforce password + security token when using sf.username | String | none |
sf.sessionId | Salesforce Session Id when using OAuth info | String | none |
sf.username | Salesforce username when using sf.password | String | none |
type | DataPack Type used for packExportSingle command | String | none |
verbose | Show additional logging statements | Boolean | false |
These types are what would be specified when creating a Query or Manifest for the Job.
VlocityDataPackType | All SObjects |
Attachment | Attachment |
AttributeAssignmentRule | AttributeAssignmentRule__c |
AttributeCategory | AttributeCategory__c Attribute__c |
CalculationMatrix | CalculationMatrix__c CalculationMatrixVersion__c CalculationMatrixRow__c |
CalculationProcedure | CalculationProcedure__c CalculationProcedureVersion__c CalculationProcedureStep__c |
Catalog | Catalog__c CatalogRelationship__c CatalogProductRelationship__c |
ContextAction | ContextAction__c |
ContextDimension | ContextDimension__c ContextMapping__c ContextMappingArgument__c |
ContextScope | ContextScope__c |
ContractType | ContractType__c ContractTypeSetting__c |
DataRaptor | DRBundle__c DRMapItem__c |
Document (Salesforce Standard Object) |
Document |
DocumentClause | DocumentClause__c |
DocumentTemplate | DocumentTemplate__c DocumentTemplateSection__c DocumentTemplateSectionCondition__c |
EntityFilter | EntityFilter__c EntityFilterCondition__c EntityFilterMember__c EntityFilterConditionArgument__c |
IntegrationProcedure | OmniScript__c Element__c |
InterfaceImplementation | InterfaceImplementation__c InterfaceImplementationDetail__c |
ItemImplementation | ItemImplementation__c |
ManualQueue | ManualQueue__c |
ObjectClass | ObjectClass__c ObjectFieldAttribute__c AttributeBinding__c AttributeAssignment__c |
ObjectContextRule (Vlocity Object Rule Assignment) |
ObjectRuleAssignment__c |
ObjectLayout | ObjectLayout__c ObjectFacet__c ObjectSection__c ObjectElement__c |
OmniScript | OmniScript__c Element__c |
OrchestrationDependencyDefinition | OrchestrationDependencyDefinition__c |
OrchestrationItemDefinition | OrchestrationItemDefinition__c |
OrchestrationPlanDefinition | OrchestrationPlanDefinition__c |
Pricebook2 (Salesforce Standard Object) |
Pricebook2 PricebookEntry |
PriceList | PriceList__c PriceListEntry__c PricingElement__c PricingVariable__c PricingVariableBinding__c |
PricingVariable | PricingVariable__c |
Product2 (Salesforce Standard Object) |
Product2 PricebookEntry(In the Standard Pricebook) AttributeAssignment__c ProductChildItem__c OverrideDefinition__c ProductConfigurationProcedure__c ProductRelationship__c ProductEligibility__c ProductAvailability__c DecompositionRelationship__c OrchestrationScenario__c |
Promotion | Promotion__c PromotionItem__c |
QueryBuilder | QueryBuilder__c QueryBuilderDetail__c |
Rule | Rule__c RuleVariable__c RuleAction__c RuleFilter__c |
StoryObjectConfiguration (Custom Setting) |
StoryObjectConfiguration__c |
System | System__c SystemInterface__c |
TimePlan | TimePlan__c |
TimePolicy | TimePolicy__c |
UIFacet | UIFacet__c |
UISection | UISection__c |
VlocityAction | VlocityAction__c |
VlocityAttachment | VlocityAttachment__c |
VlocityCard | VlocityCard__c |
VlocityFunction | VlocityFunction__c VlocityFunctionArgument__c |
VlocityPicklist | Picklist__c PicklistValue__c |
VlocitySearchWidgetSetup (Vlocity Interaction Launcher) |
VlocitySearchWidgetSetup__c VlocitySearchWidgetActionsSetup__c |
VlocityStateModel | VlocityStateModel__c VlocityStateModelVersion__c VlocityState__c VlocityStateTransition__c |
VlocityUILayout | VlocityUILayout__c |
VlocityUITemplate | VlocityUITemplate__c |
VqMachine (Vlocity Intelligence Machine) |
VqMachine__c VqMachineResource__c |
VqResource (Vlocity Intelligence Resource) |
VqResource__c Attachment AttributeAssignment__c |
In order to make the Anonymous Apex part reusable, you can include multiple Apex files with "//include FileName.cls;" in your .cls file. This allows you to write Utility files that can be reused. The BaseUtilities.cls file includes an additional feature that will send the data as a JSON to your Anonymous Apex.
In Anonymous apex vlocity_namespace will be replaced with the vlocity.namespace from the propertyfile.
List<Object> dataSetObjects = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped('CURRENT_DATA_PACKS_CONTEXT_DATA');
List<Map<String, Object>> dataPackDataSet = new List<Map<String, Object>>();
for (Object obj : dataSetObjects)
if (obj != null)
dataPackDataSet.add((Map<String, Object>)obj);
The token CURRENT_DATA_PACKS_CONTEXT_DATA will be replaced with JSON data and converted into a List<Map<String, Object>> with data depending on the type of setting and type of job being run.
Pre Job Apex can run Anonymous Apex before the DataPack Job starts. While it is possible to use the CURRENT_DATA_PACKS_CONTEXT_DATA described above, for large projects it will be over the 32000 character limit for Anonymous Apex.
preStepApex will send only the DataPack context data for the currently running API call. For Deploys, this means that instead of Deactivating all Templates and Layouts for an entire project before beginning a full deploy, using the same provided DeactivateTemplatesAndLayouts.cls as preStepApex, the target Salesforce Org will be minimally impacted as each Template or Card will only be Deactivated while it is being deployed. Best when combined with the maximumDeployCount of 1.
postStepApex can be used to run any compilation steps in Apex that are not automatically run inside triggers. EPCProductJSONUpdate.cls is recommended to be run when Deploying Products.
Like Pre and Post Job Apex you can also run JavaScript against the project with the preJobJavaScript, postJobJavaScript in tyour Job File.
Your JavaScript file should implement:
* @param {object} vlocity - This is the vlocity.js object. You can use vlocity.jsForceConnection for access to the current JSForce Session.
* @param {object} currentContextData - For preJobJavaScript this is null. For postJobJavaScript this will be a full list of records processed during the job.
* @param {object} jobInfo - This is the entire job state
* @param {function} callback - Callback - Must be called
module.exports = function(vlocity, currentContextData, jobInfo, callback) {
// Your Code Here
If Exporting with a Manifest, each JSON Object will be one entry in the Manifest in the form of:
- Campaign-Story
"VlocityDataPackType": "VlocityCard",
"Id": "Campaign-Story"
"Id" is the default JSON key in the Manifest, but Manifests also support YAML Key/Value pair syntax:
- Type: Insurance
SubType: Billing
Language: English
Which becomes:
"VlocityDataPackType": "OmniScript",
"Type": "Insurance",
"SubType": "Billing",
"Language": "English"
For a Query, each result from the Query will be a JSON Object with the appropriate DataPack Type.
- VlocityDataPackType: VlocityUITemplate
query: Select Id from %vlocity_namespace%__VlocityUITemplate__c where Name LIKE 'campaign%'
"VlocityDataPackType": "VlocityUITemplate",
"Id": "01r61000000DeTeAAN",
Before a Deploy, each JSON Object will be a small amount of information about the Object. By default it is the Name of the Object. For a VlocityUILayout it would be:
"VlocityDataPackType": "VlocityUILayout",
"Name": "Campaign-Story"
In the DeactivateTemplatesAndLayouts.cls this Name is used to Deactivate the Layouts that are pending for Deploy.
Post Job Apex runs after the Job completes successfully.
After a Deploy the Ids of every record deployed will be in the JSON Object List. This may be too much data for Anonymous Apex for large deploys.
"Id": "01r61000000DeTeAAN"
DataPacks uses a Custom Metadata Object called a Vlocity Matching Key to define the uniqnueness of any SObject.
For Example, a Product2 in Vlocity DataPacks is unique by the vlocity_namespace__GlobalKey__c
field by default. If your Org has a different field that is used for uniqueness like ProductCode
, you can override this Vlocity Matching Key and use your unique field instead.
Vlocity Matching Keys are a Custom Metadata Type in Salesforce. Vlocity Matching Keys contain the following fields:
Name | API Name | Description |
Matching Key Fields | MatchingKeyFields__c | Comma Separated list of Field API Names that define Uniqueness |
Vlocity Matching Key Name | Name | Name of the Matching Key |
Label | Label | Label of the Matching Key |
Object API Name | ObjectAPIName__c | Full API Name of the SObject |
Matching Key Object | MatchingKeyObject__c | Full API Name of the SObject |
Return Key Field | ReturnKeyField__c | Always "Id" for DataPacks |
Composite Unique Field | CompositeUniqueFieldName__c | Leave empty - Reserved for future use |
Create these keys if you want to support connections between SObject Id fields that are not already supported by DataPacks, or if you would like to change the Vlocity Default for any SObject. Matching Keys created outside the Managed Package will always override ones contained inside (Post Vlocity v15).
For Custom Settings MatchingKeyFields__c
should always be Name
Object API Name | Matching Key Fields |
%vlocity_namespace%__Attribute__c | %vlocity_namespace%__Code__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__AttributeAssignment__c | %vlocity_namespace%__ObjectId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__AttributeId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__IsOverride__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__AttributeAssignmentRule__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__AttributeCategory__c | %vlocity_namespace%__Code__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__CalculationMatrix__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__CalculationMatrixVersion__c | %vlocity_namespace%__VersionNumber__c, %vlocity_namespace%__CalculationMatrixId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__CalculationProcedure__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__CalculationProcedureVersion__c | %vlocity_namespace%__VersionNumber__c, %vlocity_namespace%__CalculationProcedureId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__Catalog__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__CatalogProductRelationship__c | %vlocity_namespace%__CatalogId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Product2Id__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__CatalogRelationship__c | %vlocity_namespace%__ChildCatalogId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__ParentCatalogId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ContextAction__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ContextDimension__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ContextScope__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ContractType__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__ContractTypeSetting__c | Name, %vlocity_namespace%__ContractTypeId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__DocumentClause__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__DocumentTemplate__c | %vlocity_namespace%__ExternalID__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__DRBundle__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__DRMapItem__c | %vlocity_namespace%__MapId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__Element__c | %vlocity_namespace%__OmniScriptId__c, Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__EntityFilter__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__InterfaceImplementation__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__InterfaceImplementationDetail__c | %vlocity_namespace%__InterfaceId__c, Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__ObjectClass__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ObjectRuleAssignment__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ObjectLayout__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__OfferingProcedure__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__Picklist__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PicklistValue__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PriceList__c | %vlocity_namespace%__Code__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PriceListEntry__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PricingElement__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PricingVariable__c | %vlocity_namespace%__Code__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ProductChildItem__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ProductConfigurationProcedure__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__ProductRelationship__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__Promotion__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PromotionItem__c | %vlocity_namespace%__ProductId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__PromotionId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__PublicProgram__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__QueryBuilder__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__Rule__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__StoryObjectConfiguration__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__TimePlan__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__TimePolicy__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__UIFacet__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__UISection__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityAction__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityAttachment__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityCard__c | Name, %vlocity_namespace%__Author__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Version__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityFunction__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityFunctionArgument__c | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocitySearchWidgetActionsSetup__c | %vlocity_namespace%__VlocityActionId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__VlocitySearchWidgetSetupId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__ActionType__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocitySearchWidgetSetup__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityState__c | Name, %vlocity_namespace%__DTPStateModelName__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityStateModel__c | %vlocity_namespace%__ObjectAPIName__c, %vlocity_namespace%__FieldAPIName__c, %vlocity_namespace%__TypeFieldName__c, %vlocity_namespace%__TypeFieldValue__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityStateModelVersion__c | %vlocity_namespace%__VersionNumber__c, %vlocity_namespace%__StateModelId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityUILayout__c | Name, %vlocity_namespace%__Version__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Author__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VlocityUITemplate__c | Name, %vlocity_namespace%__Author__c, %vlocity_namespace%__Version__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VqMachine__c | Name |
%vlocity_namespace%__VqMachineResource__c | %vlocity_namespace%__VqMachineId__c, %vlocity_namespace%__VqResourceId__c |
%vlocity_namespace%__VqResource__c | Name |
Document | DeveloperName |
Pricebook2 | Name |
PricebookEntry | Product2Id, Pricebook2Id, CurrencyIsoCode |
Product2 | %vlocity_namespace%__GlobalKey__c |
RecordType | DeveloperName, SobjectType |
User |
The Command Line API can also return JSON formatted output and accept some inputs as JSON. The primary input JSON would be the Manifest which can be passed in as:
vlocity packExport -manifest '["OmniScript/MACD_Move_English"]'
The tool will return JSON is sent the argument --json
or --json-pretty
and will return a JSON in the format of
"action": "Export",
"message": "VlocityUITemplate --- SelectAssetToMove.html --- Not Found",
"records": [
"VlocityDataPackDisplayLabel": "MACD Move English",
"VlocityDataPackKey": "OmniScript/MACD_Move_English",
"VlocityDataPackStatus": "Success",
"VlocityDataPackType": "OmniScript"
"status": "error"
Where each record contains the VlocityDataPackKey that was Exported / Deployed, and the Export / Deploy will be limited to only VlocityDataPackKeys passed in as part of the manifest if it is supplied.
A Deploy will always only include the -manifest
keys, however for an Export it will be defauly include dependencies unless -maxDepth 0
is used as an argument.
It is possible to change the settings that are used to define the behavior of each DataPack is Imported, Deployed, and written to the files. Settings overrides are added inside the Job File definition with the following syntax which is also found in the actual lib/datapacksexpandeddefinition.yaml
SupportParallel: false
- AttributeMetadata__c
- ImageId__c
- JSONAttribute__c
- GlobalKey__c
- CategoryData__c
- GlobalKey__c
- JSONAttribute__c
- CategoryData__c
- IsConfigurable__c
- vlocity_namespace__UpsertKey__c
In this case the settings for Product2 include:
SupportParallel: false
meaning that Product2 DataPacks do not support being uploaded in parallel due to record locking issues on the Standard Pricebook Entry.
- AttributeMetadata__c
- ImageId__c
- JSONAttribute__c
Filter Fields describes fields that will be removed from the JSON before writing to the file system. This is generally due to them being or containing Salesforce Id's that cannot be replaced during export and are not Version Control friendly.
- GlobalKey__c
Folder Name is the field which contains the name of the folder where the Product2 will be written. This is seperate from the file name as the folder must be unique, but the file should be readable. In most cases the Folder Name is the Global / Unique Key for the Object such that it should never change no matter what else changes in the object.
- CategoryData__c
JsonFields is a list of fields on the SObject which should be written as formatted JSON as opposed to a String when writing to a file.
The following full list of settings are supported:
Setting | Type | Default | Description |
SortFields | Array | "Hash" | The fields used to sort lists of SObjects to make the sort as consistent as possible. Valid Values: Fields on the SObject (ie Name, Type__c, etc) |
DoNotExpand | Boolean | false | Skip expanding the DataPack into Multiple Files. |
FilterFields | Array | none | Fields to remove before writing to files. Valid Values: Fields on SObject |
FileName | Array | Name | Fields used to create the File Names for an SObject. Valid Values: Fields on SObject or "_String" to add a Literal |
SourceKeyFields | Array | Name | Fields used to build the readable key for a single SObject Valid Values: Fields on SObject or "_String" to add a Literal |
SourceKeyGenerationFields | Array | none | Fields used to Generate a new Source Key when addSourceKeys: true Valid Values: Fields on SObject |
MatchingSourceKeyDefinition | Array | none | Fields used to build the readable key for a single SObject when it is a Matching Key node. Valid Values: Fields on SObject or "_String" to add a Literal |
FolderName | Array | Name | Fields used to create the Folder Name for an SObject. Valid Values: Fields on SObject or "_String" to add a Literal |
FileType | String | json | Field or String used to determine the File Type when creating a file. Valid Values: Fields on SObject or a string for a literal |
JsonFields | String | none | JsonFields is a list of fields on the SObject which should be written as formatted JSON as opposed to a String when writing to a file. Valid Values: Fields on SObject |
ReplacementFields | Object | none | Fields that should be replaced with values from other fields. Valid Values: Key is Target Field - Value is Field to Replace with or "_String" for literals |
NonUnique | Boolean | false | Declares that an SObject's data will always be created new during Deploy and will never be referenced by other objects and therefore does not need to keep extra metadata |
PaginationSize | Integer | 1000 | Declares that an SObject should Paginate during Deploy |
RemoveNullValues | Boolean | false | Delete all null values from JSON. Similar to NonUnique it will be created new, but can be referenced by other Objects |
UnhashableFields | Array | none | Fields that should not be used for Checking Diffs as they are largely informational. Valid Values: Fields on SObject |
SupportParallel | Boolean | true | Turn on / off parallel processing when Deploying the DataPack Type. Necessary when Master-Detail Parent might be shared with other DataPacks |
MaxDeploy | Integer | 50 | Specify the maximum number of DataPacks which should be uploaded in a single transaction |
HeadersOnly | Boolean | false | Support uploading only the top level SObject in the DataPack. Good for potentially fixing circular reference issues |
ExportGroupSize | Integer | 5 | Specify the maximum number of DataPacks which should be Exported in a single transaction. Potentially large DataPacks like Matrix or Attachments could be set to 1 if necessary |
In order to Retrieve the OmniScripts that will be deployed as part of the OmniOut deployment, run the following command:
vlocity -propertyfile <filepath> -job <filepath> runJavaScript -js omniOutRetrieve.js
This will export the retrieved files into the folder OmniOut/scripts
in your Project.