LuBox is a Lua inspired scripting language for embedding in .NET applications.
- Lightweigth API which is easy to embed.
- Sandboxed with restricted access to IO and reflection.
- Based on the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).
Call CLR Objects
var scriptEngine = new LuScriptEngine();
dynamic environment = scriptEngine.CreateStandardEnvironment();
environment.myVariable = "Hello";
scriptEngine.Execute("myVariable = myVariable:ToUpper()", environment);
Console.WriteLine(environment.myVariable); // Output: HELLO
Call LuBox Function
var scriptEngine = new LuScriptEngine();
dynamic environment = scriptEngine.CreateStandardEnvironment();
function Add(left, right)
return left + right
end", environment);
Console.WriteLine(environment.Add(1, 2)); // Output: 3
More examples at the Wiki
Since LuBox is implemented using the DLR the performance is typically close to regular .NET code after the first execution of a script. During the first execution however, or when rebinding due to changed types of variables, reflection is used and the execution time is usally in the order of milliseconds for a small script.
All objects allocated in a LuBox script are regular CLR objects and are collected by the .NET garbage collector.
Please send a pull request with a unit test of the feature requested or the bug found.