- Some basic terms / setup
PC talks to Controller then controller talks to the lights
Video Series that helps teach the basics Learn Christmas Lighting
Keith a Developer, Youtube Tutorials
- Use LED Strings - Most common:.0 WS2811 Protocol Which is based on LED type
- 12v or 5v
- try not to make the length more than 25ft or so
- Use Bungie Balls / Zip Ties to hold to house
- Plastic Strips to hold Pixels
Choose based on number of pixels needed. You could have voltage drop if it is around 50 feet may want to use a better controller. choose a Long Range Controller
- ESP8266 NodeMCU - small microcontroller, running WLED
- Falcon F16V3 Pixel Controller, from PixelController.com $200
Turn Key (can be far easier)
- HinksPix Pro
- Each board can communicate using E1.31
- XLights Xlights Website Xlights Source Code
Store that sells Kits, Holiday Coro
Pixel : The Individual LED Diode Each LED has 3 Channels R G and B - Blue = Channel 3 - Red = Channel 1 - Green = Channel 2
Strand : String of LED RGB Lights each strand has 50 pixels which comes to be 3 E1.31 Channels
Universe : Contains Channels, max of ~510 Channels in one Universe, just for the control signal
Rules: 3 Channels = 1 Pixel 170 Pixels = 1 Universe Up to 6 Universes = 1 Output
Relays : Whole strands, traditonal lights
DMX Decoders : RGB LED's, whole strands
Pixel Controllers : Smart pixel light controllers
- Meeting with Don, on How to import a show in Xlights
- Notes from Nathan from Holiday Corro