EMDR lightbar is a tool for practicing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. EMDR therapy is an interactive psychotherapy technique designed to relieve psychological stress, and it is used by therapists to help treat a wide range of issues including: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, dissociate disorders, and more.
EMDR is designed to break any associations you have between certain memories and negative symptoms
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy uses bilateral stimulation (a rhythmic, left-right stimulaion) to help people recover from traumatic events and other distressing life experiences. In a professional setting, EMDR is normally practiced one to two times a week, for a total of 6 to 12 sessions by trained professionals who are qualified to deliver EMDR. There are eight phases of treatment in the EMDR process. Each phase is intended to help patients work through psychological distress and trauma as well as learn to cope with current and future stress.
During this part of the process, your therapist will learn your complete history including painful memories, events, and/or experiences from your past as well as your current stresses. Then, based on your history, your therapist will work with you to come up with a treatment plan that targets specific memories or events.
In this phase, your therapist will help you learn some healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety.
Your therapist will have you select one of the targeted memories that you identified in the first phase, then, you will need to identify multiple components of the memory including:
- A vivid mental image related to the memory
- A negative belief about yourself
- Related emotions and body sensations
Additionally, you will need to identify a positive belief about yourself related to the mental picture of the memory an rate this belief according to how true it is.
In this phase, you will be introduces to 'stimulation sets.' (EMDR lightbar is essentially a tool that allows you to create and utilize your own stimulation sets)
Stimulation sets are a series of bilateral stimulation exercises that involve the use of alternating right, left, stimulation such as eye movements, tactile taps, or auditory tones, which are used to activate and integrate information from the brain's two hemispheres.
During the desensitization period, your therapist will instruct you to focus on your targeted memory as they lead you through a series of stimulation sets. After each set, your therapist will ask you to clear your mind and discuss any emotions, thoughts, memories, insights, and/or images that came to mind. Any negative sensations that you are still experiencing will become the focus of your next set. You will continue this process until the target memory no longer distresses you.
When you are no longer experiencing distress related to your target memory, you will begin the fifth phase of treatment. The installation phase will involve going through the stimulation sets again, only this time, your therapist will ask you to focus on the positive belief which you identified in the third phase.
Once you have strengthened your positive belief, your therapist will work with you to determine if you have any sort of physicsl response while thinking of the target memory and the positive belief. This will help to identify any residual distress. If you are experiencing tension, your therapist will lead you through more stimulation sets until it has been resolved.
Every session will end with a closure phase. During the closure phase, you and your therapist will discuss any positive progress you have made and ways to keep them going on a daily basis. Your therapist may assign homework that will help you keep track of your progress between sessions. Some examples of assignments may include:
- Keeping a daily journal to track your progress and take notes about any relaxation techniques you learn
- Use imagery that helps you picture what it would be like to (grdually) face your fears
- Identify self-help techniques (such as visualizaition) that work well in helping you to use your inagination to envision a peaceful environment
Each new session starts with reevaluation. You and your therapist will discuss your current state of mental health and evaluate whether or not the treatment and self-relaxation techniques are working for you. They will also ask if you if any targeted memories have arisen since the previous session. In this phase, you will also determine if you need to work through more targeted memories.
EMDR is considered safe with relatively few side effects. Although it can be effective, there are some risks that are important to consider:
- Heightened awareness: During EMDR Therary, you many experience a high level or emotional or physical sensation that lasts beyond your therapy session. Some people have reported experiencing unpleasant dreams while they begin to reprocess traumatic events.
- Potential for retraumatization: If EMDR is not used appropriately, it can leave people feeling retraumatized.
- Requires multiple sessions: It may take a while to see positive effects. For some, this may become a financial barrier.
Disclaimer: EMDR therapy has a wide variety of benefits and has been used to treat multitude of mental and even physical health issues. However, EMDR is an intensive psychotherapy and should always be performed under the supervision of and with the guidance of an experienced, qualified, licensed mental health care provider. If you decide to use EMDR Lightbar on your own accord, proceed with caution at your own risk. EMDR Lightbar is a fantastic resource for therapists to use with their clients, however, it is not intended to provide any mental health care treatment, and it should not be used to substitute or replace professional mental health care services. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical/mental health care provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health before attempting EMDR therapy. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health issue, consult with your health care provider prior to using this tool.