This folder contains all the data and code used in the manuscript entitled "Transcriptomic clustering of critically ill COVID-19 patients", published in the European Respiratory Journal ( The preprint is available at
The folder contains the following files:
"covid_clustering.R": R code. This file uploads all the following data files, that must be in the same directory.
"transcript_data.Rdata": Transcriptomic data. FastQ files available at
"transcript_data_trt.Rdata": Transcriptomic data at ICU day 4. FastQ files available at
"miRNA_counts.csv": miRNA raw counts. FastQ files available at
"molecules_downnetwork.txt": Results from Ingenuity Pathway Analysys.
"molecules_upnetwork.txt": Results from Ingenuity Pathway Analysys.
"clinical_data.csv": Anonymized clinical data.
"index_data_trt.csv": File containing cluster and treatment received by patients with a Day 4 transcriptome.
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Cecilia López-Martínez (, Guillermo M Albaiceta (, Laura Amado-Rodríguez (