If you want to create a QR-code, you can use my QR-Code-generator. It's easy to use because of the graphical user interface .
You can decide if you want to download the App Folder(.exe) oder the python script.
If you don't want to install Python or the modules, you can download the .exe file.
When you launch the .exe file, or run the code you will see 4 white fields. In the first one You have to enter the text you want to pack into the QR-code. In the second field you have to enter the site the generated QR-code should have. Example: 10 for a small QR-code or for example 50 if you want a large QR-code. In the third field you have to enter how far the QR-code is away from the image-border. And in the last field, you have to enter the name the QR-code will be saved with. If you have done this, click on the Button "generate QR code". This will generate you the QR-code. The generated QR-code you can find in the same folder as the .exe or the Python file.
- QR-code-generator
- scanned the generated QR-code and got the right text