SwiftyCodeView is an elegant and customizable UI component which can be used as input field for verification codes, password, etc...
Drag a UIView object into storyboard and set it's class to SwiftCodeView.
Implement SwiftyCodeViewDelegate protocol.
Thats it!
extension ViewController: SwiftyCodeViewDelegate {
func codeView(sender: SwiftyCodeView, didFinishInput code: String) {
print("Entered code: ", code)
Things you can customize - Everything! (See example project)
iOS >= 9.3
Xcode >= 9.0
SwiftyCodeView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftyCodeView'
# or
pod 'SwiftyCodeView/RxSwift'
arturdev, mkrtarturdev@gmail.com
Feel free to open issues, feature requests and point bugs/mistakes!
SwiftyCodeView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.