------------- DAZN MINI_CS ----------------
Upload zip to /home and extract it after that run this command
cd /home/mini_cs/scripts && chmod 777 * && ./setup.sh && ./start_clean.sh && cd /home && chmod 777 -R *
if you get install errors like shared libs try:
-apt-get install -y libxslt1-dev
-apt-get update
-apt install -y nscd
-apt-get install -y libonig-dev
-apt-get install -y libzip-dev
-apt-get install -y aria2
-apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
-apt install libcurl3 libcurl-openssl1.0-dev
./start_clean.sh && cd /home && chmod 777 -R *
http://SERVER IP:18001/dashboard.php
to see m3u links active go to dashbaord and click on Channels Links