4278082 - 📝 add Inter Fontsource - RaviAnand Mohabir
e5def79 - 📝 always display doc links - RaviAnand Mohabir
fee9856 - 📝 improve responsive styles - RaviAnand Mohabir
c51eb02 - 📝 move - RaviAnand Mohabir
ae35276 - 📝 remove boilerplate metadata and optimize imports - RaviAnand Mohabir
8bd9b12 - 📝 add Umami tracking script, Google domain verification and metatags - RaviAnand Mohabir
6813764 - 📝 update Next.js base path and use Link component for anchors - RaviAnand Mohabir
bb00b0d - 📝 update Next.js base path for landing page - RaviAnand Mohabir
88e2e88 - 📝 fix out path of Next.js - RaviAnand Mohabir
6a0b8f4 - 📝 build search index in GH Action - RaviAnand Mohabir
cdaf34e - 📝 add authentication, s3, tagger, search, proxy and other docs - RaviAnand Mohabir
33aba4d - 📝 add Kubernetes documentation - RaviAnand Mohabir
9fb1eab - 📝 add remark-hint plugin with custom Hint component - RaviAnand Mohabir
f02389e - 📝 optimize imports - RaviAnand Mohabir
ca412d1 - 📝 enable Next output export
and configure GH Pages Action - RaviAnand Mohabir
40c354e - 📝 add docs for installation, Docker deployment, API keys and ShareX integration - RaviAnand Mohabir
258a66b - 📝 add script to dump static lunr index - RaviAnand Mohabir
7cc3601 - 📝 add home page with layout, hero and features overview - RaviAnand Mohabir
1687a69 - 📝 initialize Next.js landing page with MDX and Mantine for documentation - RaviAnand Mohabir
cb59d1d - (frontend) 💄 add Inter Fontsource - RaviAnand Mohabir
Miscellaneous Chores
c3cf11742cc08d8eee64c237d3a02057c904af5f - (version) 0.27.0 - Cog
76b146c - 🎨 use import path aliases - RaviAnand Mohabir
e22a1dd - 🔧 add service and PB folders - RaviAnand Mohabir
e87539a - 🔧 add docs
folder to TS Config exclude
- RaviAnand Mohabir
You can’t perform that action at this time.