This project implements a 16-bit MIPS CPU using VHDL in Vivado. It supports basic MIPS instructions across different instruction formats, with Part A implementing core ALU operations, load/store, and set-less-than instructions, while Part B adds branching and jump instructions. This CPU is designed to be tested with a preloaded instruction memory to verify correct execution of instructions.
- Project Overview
- System Design
- Instructions Implemented
- Instruction Tracing
- Verification
- Errors and Issues
- Conclusion
- Usage
The objective was to build a hierarchical 16-bit MIPS CPU module by combining previously developed subsystems. The CPU is capable of handling R, I, and J instruction formats and supports operations like ALU-based computations, memory storage/loading, and conditional branching. The project was completed as a lab assignment, with verification done via testbenches using Instr.txt
and Instr2.txt
The CPU is organized with several core modules:
- Program Counter (PC): Sequences instructions by updating the address sent to instruction memory. It increments by two bits each cycle.
- Instruction Memory: Stores a set of 16-bit instructions loaded from files. This module provides read-only access to instructions.
- Control Module: Decodes a 4-bit opcode to generate control signals, directing the CPU’s operations across registers, memory, and the ALU.
- Sign Extend: Extends 4-bit immediate values to 16 bits for I-type instructions.
- Data Memory: A 2D array that stores data processed by the ALU, with control signals for read and write operations.
- Branch if Not Equal (BNE): Conditional branching module that updates the PC based on the result of a comparison.
- Jump Block: Executes jumps to a new program address based on a 12-bit immediate value.
- PC Control MUX: Selects the next PC address based on inputs from the PC increment, BNE block, or Jump block.
The following instructions are supported:
Opcode | Instruction | Description |
0000 |
ADD | Adds two registers and stores result in destination register |
0001 |
SUB | Subtracts source register from destination register |
0010 |
AND | Bitwise AND operation between two registers |
0011 |
OR | Bitwise OR operation between two registers |
0100 |
ADDI | Adds immediate value to a register |
0101 |
SUBI | Subtracts immediate value from a register |
0111 |
SLT | Sets destination register if source is less than target |
1000 |
LW | Loads word from data memory to register |
1100 |
SW | Stores word from register to data memory |
1001 |
BNE | Branches to an offset if registers are not equal |
1010 |
JMP | Jumps to address specified by 12-bit immediate value |
Each instruction is executed by following the CPU's data flow:
- Fetch: PC provides the address to fetch an instruction from memory.
- Decode: Instruction is split into opcode, destination, source, and immediate values as applicable.
- Execute: Depending on the instruction, operations are performed using ALU or memory modules.
- Write-back: Resulting data is written to a register or memory location.
Waveform simulation in Vivado verified the following:
- Part A: Tested with
, covering basic ALU operations, load/store, and set-less-than instructions. - Part B: Additional testing with
, which introduced branching and jump instructions.
Results matched expected values, confirming correct CPU behavior.
- Data Memory Offset Issue: Initial misalignment in memory addressing was corrected after debugging.
- Jump Instruction Error: The Jump instruction initially bypassed certain instructions due to an incorrect offset calculation, which was later resolved.
- Syntax Errors: Minor syntax errors in VHDL code were encountered and resolved.
This project successfully implemented a 16-bit MIPS CPU supporting both standard and branching instructions. The design demonstrated expected functionality during testbench simulations, making it a viable CPU model for executing a limited instruction set.
- Prerequisites: Vivado or a compatible VHDL simulation environment.
- Cloning the Repository:
git clone
- Simulating the Project:
- Open Vivado and load the project files.
- Run the simulation with
. - Verify the waveform outputs against expected results.
For a detailed analysis, design breakdown, and verification results, please refer to the official project report:
16-Bit MIPS CPU Project Report (PDF)
This report includes:
- Problem statement and project objectives
- Assumptions, constraints, and design considerations
- Detailed descriptions of each module and their functions
- Instruction tracing and waveform analysis
- Errors encountered and solutions implemented
- Project conclusions and reflections
To access the report, you can either view it directly in this repository or download it to reference our complete project documentation.
- Muhammad Shayan
- Zain Siddiqui
- Danial Changez
This repository contains the HDL files and testbenches necessary to simulate the CPU’s functionality as described.