Website Design Specification
We want people to find our group by searching the web. Our website will provide visitors access to information about us, our products and services including an online portfolio of projects and solutions. Our list of interests include:
- Data-Driven Journalism
- Data Science & Analytics
- Data Engineering & Big Data Computing
- Web & Mobile Development; and
- Business Systems Analysis
Our primary goal is to inform potential clients about how we can make them more Data Intelligent. Our secondary goal is to attract the right people.
Requirement | Description | Navigation / Interactivity | |
2.1 | Home Page | An overview of what our group does and what our interests are. | Clicking an interest takes the visitor to a page where they have the option to view either Projects, Tutorials or Careers |
2.2 | Portfolio Page | An overview of our clients using their logo's | Clicking on a clients logo will filter the rest of the page to provide a high-level summary of Client Projects and Client Feedback |
2.3 | Articles Page | Articles about our specialist fields which will convey our expertise to visitors | Users should have the ability to easily search the articles based on the Interest, Date and Author |
2.4 | Contact Us | A page where clients can fill in their details and contact us, subscribe to our posts or alternatively find information about our location | None |