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Package to calculate site pattern based summary statistics described in Peede et al. 202X.

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Re-evaluating Introgression site Patterns Through Ancestral alleles

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usage: [-h] -y YAML_PATH

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -y YAML_PATH, --yaml_path YAML_PATH
                        Path to the YAML configuration file.

YAML Configuration File Parameters

Currently, all parameters are required and must be specified in the configuration file; however, this will likely change once I implement non-site pattern statistics and sliding-window capabilities.

  • vcf_path: List of file paths to the VCF files to be analyzed.
  • contig_length: List of contig (chromosome) lengths for each corresponding VCF file.
  • block_size: Size of the blocks for the weighted-block Jackknife procedure (see the appendix directory for the exact equations used for the weighted-block Jackknife procedure written by Dr. Patterson).
  • meta_data_path: Path to a tab-separated text file with two columns: Individuals and Population. The individual IDs must be identical to how they appear in all VCF headers.
  • results_path_prefix: Path to write the results to i.e., {results_path_prefix}_site_patterns.csv.
  • log_path_prefix: Path to write all the errors and warnings to i.e., {log_path_prefix}_config_errors.log and {log_path_prefix}_vcf_processing_warnings.log.
  • use_raf: Boolean to denote filtering by the reference panel allele frequency (designed for analyzing imputed genomes).
  • raf_threshold: Float to denote the reference panel allele frequency threshold for filtering (designed for analyzing imputed genomes).
  • number_of_threads: Positive integer for the number of threads to use for parallelization; to use all available threads set this parameter to 'max'.
  • compute_site_patterns: Boolean to denote you want to compute site pattern statistics.
  • site_pattern_config_path: Path to a tab-separated text file with eight columns: P1, P2, P3, P4, P1 Sampling, P2 Sampling, P3 Sampling, and P4 Sampling.
    • For the first four columns (P1, P2, P3, P4) specify the individual ID or population ID which appears in the meta data file.
    • For the last four columns (P1 Sampling, P2 Sampling, P3 Sampling, P4 Sampling) specify one of the three implemented sampling methods:
      • pop_freq: To denote computing allele frequencies for a population of individuals.
      • ind_freq: To denote computing allele frequencies for a single individual (i.e., 0 = homozygous ancestral, 0.5 = heterozygous, 1 = homozygous derived).
      • ind_gp: To denote computing allele frequencies for an individual from genotype probabilities.
  • site_pattern_stats: List of site pattern statistics to compute currently the options are 'D', 'Danc', 'D+', 'fhom', 'fanc', and/or 'f+'.

Understanding Error and Warning Messages

Before computing any summary statistics, RIPTA will first validate the entire YAML configuration file and report all the detected errors before exiting. During summary statistic computation, RIPTA will log a warning for any position in the VCF file that is excluded from the analysis. Below is a list of all possible error and warning messages, their meanings, and suggested solutions.

Error Messages

  • 'CONFIG ERROR: VCF file {VCF} not found!'
    • Indicates that no VCF file exists at the path specified by the vcf_path parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure that each VCF file path is correctly specified.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: Meta data file {META_DATA} not found!'
    • Indicates that no meta data file exists at the path specified by the meta_data_path parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure the path for the meta data file is correctly specified.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: Site pattern configuration file {SITE_PATTERN_CONFIG} not found!'
    • Indicates that no site pattern configuration file exists at the path specified by the site_pattern_config_path parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure the path for the site pattern configuration file is correctly specified.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: The vcf_path ({N_VCFS}) and contig_length ({N_CONTIG_LENGTHS}) paramters must have the same number of entries!'
    • Indicates a mismatch between the number of VCF files specified by vcf_path and the number of contig lengths specified by contig_length parameters.
    • Solution: Ensure that the configuration file specifies equal numbers of VCF files and contig lengths.
  • CONFIG ERROR: The Block size must be smaller than the contig lengths!
    • Indicates that the block size specified by the block_size parameter is larger than the specified contig length.
    • Solution: Ensure that the block size is smaller than each specified contig length.
  • CONFIG ERROR: The RAF threshold must be between 0 and 1!
    • Indicates that the RAF threshold specified by the raf_threshold parameter is invalid.
    • Solution: Ensure that the RAF threshold is set to a value between 0 and 1.
  • CONFIG ERROR: The number of threads must be a positive integer or max!"
    • Indicates an invalid number of threads as specified by the number_of_threads parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure that the number of threads is a positive integer or 'max' to use all available threads.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: The site_pattern_stats paramter must be specified when the compute_site_patterns parameters is set to True!'
    • Indicates missing site pattern statistics specified by the site_pattern_stats parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure at least one valid site pattern statistic is specified.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: Invalid site pattern statistics ({INVALID_STATS}) specified!'
    • Indicates that there are invalid site pattern statistics specified by the site_pattern_stats parameter.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section for valid site pattern statistics.
  • 'SITE PATTERN CONFIG ERROR: Line {LINE_NUMBER} has {N_COLUMNS} columns, expected 8!'
    • Indicates that a line in the site pattern configuration file has an incorrect number of columns.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the site pattern configuration file.
  • 'SITE PATTERN CONFIG ERROR: Invalid sampling option "{SAMPLING_OPTION}" for P{X} "{POP_ID}" on line {LINE_NUMBER}, the sampling option must be either "pop_freq", "ind_freq", or "ind_gp"!'
    • Indicates an invalid sampling option in the site pattern configuration file.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the site pattern configuration file.
  • 'SITE PATTERN CONFIG ERROR: Error reading site pattern configuration file - {ERROR}'
    • Indicates that the site pattern configuration file could not be read.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the site pattern configuration file.
  • 'META DATA ERROR: Line {LINE_NUMBER} is invalid, expected at least 2 tab-separated columns!'
    • Indicates that a line in the meta data file has an incorrect number of columns.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the meta data file.
  • 'META DATA ERROR: Error reading meta data file - {ERROR}'
    • Indicates that the meta data file could not be read.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the meta data file.
  • 'META DATA ERROR: Required populations not found: {MISSING_POPULATIONS}!'
    • Indicates missing individuals for populations required for site pattern statistics.
    • Solution: Ensure all individuals for all required populations are in the meta data file.
  • 'META DATA ERROR: Required individuals not found: {MISSING_ INDIVIDUALS}!'
    • Indicates missing individuals in the metadata file for required site pattern statistics.
    • Solution: Ensure all required individuals are in the meta data file.
  • 'META DATA ERROR: No samples found in meta data file, please check the errors and ensure the file has at least 2 tab-separated columns where column 1 = individual ID and column 2 = population ID!'
    • Indicates that none of the required individuals or populations to compute the site pattern statistics were found in the meta data file.
    • Solution: Refer to the YAML Configuration File Parameters section to correctly format the meta data file.
  • 'VCF ERROR: No header line found in the VCF file {VCF} - (please ensure the VCF file is formatted properly, for help see sections 1.5-1.6!'
    • Indicates that no header line was found in the VCF file.
    • Solution: Ensure the VCF file includes a properly formatted header.
  • 'VCF ERROR: Sample {MISSING_INDIVIDUAL} from population {POPULATION} not found in VCF header of {VCF}!'
    • Indicates that an individual required for computing site pattern statistics is missing from the VCF file header.
    • Solution: Ensure that all required individuals are present in the VCF file header.
  • 'VCF ERROR: No samples found for required population {POPULATION} in the VCF file {VCF}!'
    • Indicates that all required individuals from a population are missing in the VCF file header.
    • Solution: Ensure that all required individuals are present in the VCF file header.
  • 'VCF ERROR: Unable to open the VCF file {VCF} - {ERROR}'
    • Indicates that the VCF file could not be open.
    • Solution: Ensure that the VCF file is not corrupted and if the VCF file ends with .gz that the VCF file is actually gzipped or bgzipped.
  • 'VCF ERROR: Population mismatch between VCF files {VCF_X} and {VCF_Y} - please ensure that the header lines are consistent across all VCF files!'
    • Indicates that the two VCF files have different headers.
    • Solution: Ensure that all VCF files have the same exact header.
  • 'VCF ERROR: Sample mismatch in population {POPULATION} between VCF files {VCF_X} and {VCF_Y} - please ensure that the header lines are consistent across all VCF files!'
    • Indicates that the two VCF files have different headers.
    • Solution: Ensure that all VCF files have the same exact header.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: Configuration file {YAML_PATH} not found!'
    • Indicates that no configuration file exists at the file path specified by the YAML_PATH parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure the YAML_PATH argument is set correctly.
  • 'YAML ERROR: Error parsing YAML file - {ERROR}'
    • Indicates an issue in reading the YAML configuration file.
    • Solution: Ensure that the YAML configuration file file is correctly formatted.
  • 'CONFIG ERROR: Missing the following required parameters {MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMS}!'
    • Indicates that not all required parameters were specified in the YAML configuration file.
    • Solution: Ensure that the YAML configuration file file is correctly formatted.
  • 'LOGGING ERROR: Failed to write to log file {LOG_FILE} - {ERROR}'
    • Indicates an inability to write to the path specified by the log_path_prefix parameter.
    • Solution: Ensure that log_path_prefix specifies a writable path.
  • CONFIG ERROR: Configuration file validation failed!
    • Indicates one or more errors were raised during validation.
    • Solution: Correct all errors in the log file, then rerun RIPTA.

Warning Messages

  • 'WARNING: Position {POSITION} on chromosome {CHROMOSOME} is not bi-allelic, continuing to the next site...'
    • Indicates the presence of a non-bi-allelic SNP.
  • 'WARNING: Position {CURRENT_POSITION} on chromosome {CURRENT_CHROMOSOME} does not have the RAF flag in the INFO columns, continuing to the next site...
    • Indicates the absence of the RAF flag in the INFO field for a position when the use_raf parameter is set to True.
  • 'WARNING: Position {POSITION} on chromosome {CHROMOSOME} does meet the RAF threshold, continuing to the next site...'
    • Indicates the position does not meet the specified RAF threshold when the use_raf parameter is set to True.
  • 'WARNING: Position {POSITION} on chromosome {CHROMOSOME} has no GP field for {INDIVIDUAL}...'
    • Indicates missing GP field information at a position when the ind_gp sampling option is specified.
  • 'WARNING: Position {POSITION} on chromosome {CHROMOSOME} has no genotype information for {INDIVIDUAL}...
    • Indicates missing genotype information for an individual at a specified position.


Package to calculate site pattern based summary statistics described in Peede et al. 202X.






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