Today the weather is very gloomy and rainy Mohsam
I feel like felicia today Kicker
I am a wolf not a lion
- follow the money
- gain some tech skills
- love mother and nature
- build some muscles
- follow the money
- look for some mutual funds to invest.
- gain some tech skills
- read about Containerization ( API Interaction )
- love mother and nature
- help in cooking and water the plants
- build some muscles
- Hit tricep & obliques
resource containerappjob 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2022-11-01-preview' = {
name: ceJobLibName
location: cajobLibRegion
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
properties: {
appLogsConfiguration: {
destination: 'log-analytics'
logAnalyticsConfiguration: {
customerId: reference(logAnalyticsWorkspaceId, '2020-08-01').customerId
sharedKey: listKeys(logAnalyticsWorkspaceId, '2020-08-01').primarySharedKey
[^1] and [^2]
Monday | Tuesday | wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Paneer | Alu dam | Pulao | Mix veg | chicken | Tandori | Luchi |
- studied
- [] Container
The day was very fruitful as I stidied a new language.
I also did the practicle and pushed it to my repo.
🫀 ☁️ 🇮🇳 🍭
Don't break my heart
blind love
graph TD
A[Start User Story on Container App Job] -->|1st November 2024| B[Complete Development Phase]
B -->|23rd November 2024| C[Start DevOps Phase]
C -->|25th November 2024| D[Complete DevOps Phase]
D -->|30th November 2024| E[End of Job]