My first project with openGL, learning how to render 2d and 3d objects, load textures, play sounds etc. with openGL (glfw and glew).
I learned OpenGL with the youtube channel The Cherno, so I took ispiration from his code (in other words, there may be some similar/identical code in some parts). Other resources I used:
I made several tests to... test what I can do with OpenGL, and they can be selected by the menu created with ImGUI.
The dependencies are:
- stbimage (image loading)
- glm (math stuff)
- irrKlang (audio)
The tests are created include:
- Sorting algorithms visualization (for now insertion sort and bubble sort)
- 2d and 3d rendering
- Camera movement with mouse and keyboard
- Texture loading
- When changing positions and data of the shapes, I create another vertex buffer object with the full datas, instead of just adding another buffer object to the array object, since I don't understand how to do that.
- Everything calls a draw function, I have to learn batch rendering.
- Rearrange code for the Pong game into more classes
- Smooth movement for the rackets in the Pong
- Load textures from blender
- Render a sphere