This project is a clinical practice dashboard that visualizes various aspects of a healthcare dataset, such as appointment statuses, provider performance, revenue trends, and more. The dashboard is built using Next.js and Highcharts for a dynamic and interactive user experience.
- Chart Type: Pie Chart
- Displays the distribution of appointments based on their status (e.g., Completed, Scheduled, Cancelled, No Show).
- Chart Type: Column Chart
- Visualizes the total revenue generated by each type of treatment.
- Chart Type: Line Chart
- Shows the number of appointments booked over time, categorized monthly.
- Chart Type: Column Chart
- Represents the distribution of balances owed by patients, segmented into ranges (e.g., $0–$100, $101–$500).
- Chart Type: Bar Chart
- Highlights the number of appointments handled by each provider.
- Chart Type: Heatmap
- Illustrates the frequency of each treatment, indicating its popularity.
- Chart Type: Stacked Bar Chart
- Compares the revenue generated by each provider, broken down by treatment types.
- Chart Type: Area Chart
- Displays the revenue trends over the months, highlighting peaks and troughs.
- Chart Type: Donut Chart
- Shows the percentage contribution of each provider to the total revenue.
- Chart Type: Line Chart
- Tracks the number of appointments handled by each provider over time.
- Chart Type: Stacked Column Chart
- Visualizes the success and failure rates of treatments performed by each provider.
- Chart Type: Bar Chart
- Analyzes patient retention, showing the ratio of single-visit to repeat-visit patients.
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.