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C# script tool

NuGet csi GitHub

This is a repository of dotnet-csi which is an interactive tool for running C# scripts. It can installed as a command-line tool on Windows, Linux, or macOS.


The tool requires .NET 6+ runtime.


Script runner

After installing tool you can use this tool to run C# scripts from the command line. dotnet-csi is available as a NuGet package.

Before installing dotnet-csi as a local tool dot not forget to create .NET local tool manifest file if it is not exist:

dotnet new tool-manifest

Install the tool and add to the local tool manifest:

dotnet tool install dotnet-csi

Or install the tool for the current user:

dotnet tool install dotnet-csi -g

Launch the tool in the interactive mode:

dotnet csi

Run a specified script with a given argument:

dotnet csi Samples/Scripts/hello.csx World 

Run a single script located in the MyDirectory directory:

dotnet csi Samples/Build


dotnet csi [options] [--] [script] [script arguments]

Executes a script if specified, otherwise launches an interactive REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).

Supported arguments:

Option Description Alternative form
script The path to the script file to run. If no such file is found, the command will treat it as a directory and look for a single script file inside that directory.
script arguments Script arguments are accessible in a script via the global list Args[index] by an argument index.
-- Indicates that the remaining arguments should not be treated as options.
--help Show how to use the command. /?, -h, /h, /help
--version Display the tool version. /version
--source Specify the NuGet package source to use. Supported formats: URL, or a UNC directory path. -s, /s, /source
--property <key=value> Define a key-value pair(s) for the script properties called Props, which is accessible in scripts. -p, /property, /p
--property:<key=value> Define a key-value pair(s) in MSBuild style for the script properties called Props, which is accessible in scripts. -p:<key=value>, /property:<key=value>, /p:<key=value>, --property:key1=val1;key2=val2
@file Read the response file for more options.

using HostApi; directive in a script allows you to use host API types without specifying the fully qualified namespace of these types.

.NET application

Install the C# script template CSharpInteractive.Templates

dotnet new -i CSharpInteractive.Templates

Create a console project "Build" containing a script from the template build

dotnet new build -o ./Build

This projects contains the script ./Build/Program.csx. To run this script from the command line from the directory Build:

dotnet csi Build

To run as a .NET console application:

dotnet run --project Build

Usage Scenarios

Using Args

Args have got from the script arguments.

if (Args.Count > 0)

if (Args.Count > 1)

Using Props dictionary

Properties Props have got from TeamCity system properties automatically.


// This property will be available at the next TeamCity steps as system parameter _system.Version_
// and some runners, for instance, the .NET runner, pass it as a build property.
Props["Version"] = "1.1.6";

Using the Host property

Host is actually the provider of all global properties and methods.

var packages = Host.GetService<INuGet>();

Get services

This method might be used to get access to different APIs like INuGet or ICommandLine.


var serviceProvider = GetService<IServiceProvider>();

Besides that, it is possible to get an instance of System.IServiceProvider to access APIs.

Service collection

public void Run()
    var serviceProvider = 

    var myTask = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<MyTask>();
    var exitCode = myTask.Run();

private class MyTask(ICommandLineRunner runner)

    public int? Run() => 
        runner.Run(new CommandLine("whoami"));

Write a line to a build log


Write an empty line to a build log


Write a line highlighted with "Header" color to a build log

WriteLine("Hello", Header);

Log an error to a build log

Error("Error info", "Error identifier");

Log a warning to a build log

Warning("Warning info");

Log information to a build log

Info("Some info");

Log trace information to a build log

Trace("Some trace info");

Build command lines

// Adds the namespace "Script.Cmd" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

// Creates and run a simple command line 

// Creates and run a simple command line 
new CommandLine("whoami").Run();

// Creates and run a command line with arguments 
new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "echo", "Hello").Run();

// Same as previous statement
new CommandLine("cmd", "/c")
    .AddArgs("echo", "Hello")

(new CommandLine("cmd") + "/c" + "echo" + "Hello").Run();

"cmd".AsCommandLine("/c", "echo", "Hello").Run();

("cmd".AsCommandLine() + "/c" + "echo" + "Hello").Run();

// Just builds a command line with multiple environment variables
var cmd = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "echo", "Hello")
    .AddVars(("Var1", "val1"), ("var2", "Val2"));

// Same as previous statement
cmd = new CommandLine("cmd") + "/c" + "echo" + "Hello" + ("Var1", "val1") + ("var2", "Val2");

// Builds a command line to run from a specific working directory 
cmd = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "echo", "Hello")

// Builds a command line and replaces all command line arguments
cmd = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "echo", "Hello")
    .WithArgs("/c", "echo", "Hello !!!");

Run a command line

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

var exitCode = GetService<ICommandLineRunner>().Run(new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "DIR"));

// or the same thing using the extension method
exitCode = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "DIR").Run();

// using operator '+'
var cmd = new CommandLine("cmd") + "/c" + "DIR";
exitCode = cmd.Run();

// with environment variables
cmd = new CommandLine("cmd") + "/c" + "DIR" + ("MyEnvVar", "Some Value");
exitCode = cmd.Run();

Run a command line asynchronously

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

int? exitCode = await GetService<ICommandLineRunner>().RunAsync(new CommandLine("cmd", "/C", "DIR"));

// or the same thing using the extension method
exitCode = await new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "DIR").RunAsync();

Run and process output

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

var lines = new List<string>();
int? exitCode = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "SET")
    .AddVars(("MyEnv", "MyVal"))
    .Run(output => lines.Add(output.Line));


Run asynchronously in parallel

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

Task<int?> task = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "DIR").RunAsync();
int? exitCode = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "SET").Run();

Cancellation of asynchronous run

The cancellation will kill a related process.

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task<int?> task = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "TIMEOUT", "/T", "120").RunAsync(default, cancellationTokenSource.Token);


Run timeout

If timeout expired a process will be killed.

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API
using HostApi;

int? exitCode = new CommandLine("cmd", "/c", "TIMEOUT", "/T", "120").Run(default, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));


Build a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("xunit", "-n", "MyLib", "--force").Build();

// Builds the library project, running a command like: "dotnet build" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetBuild().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").Build();

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Errors.Any(message => message.State == BuildMessageState.StdError).ShouldBeFalse();

// Runs tests in docker
result = new DotNetTest().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").Build();
result.Tests.Count(test => test.State == TestState.Finished).ShouldBe(1);

Clean a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force").Build();

// Builds the library project, running a command like: "dotnet build" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetBuild().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").Build();

// Clean the project, running a command like: "dotnet clean" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetClean().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").Build();

// The "result" variable provides details about a build

Run a custom .NET command

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Gets the dotnet version, running a command like: "dotnet --version"
NuGetVersion? version = default;
var exitCode = new DotNetCustom("--version").Run(message => NuGetVersion.TryParse(message.Line, out version));


Test a project using the MSBuild VSTest target

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new test project, running a command like: "dotnet new mstest -n MyTests --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("mstest", "-n", "MyTests", "--force").Build();

// Runs tests via a command like: "dotnet msbuild /t:VSTest" from the directory "MyTests"
result = new MSBuild()

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Tests.Count(test => test.State == TestState.Finished).ShouldBe(1);

Pack a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force").Build();

// Creates a NuGet package of version 1.2.3 for the project, running a command like: "dotnet pack /p:version=1.2.3" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetPack()
        .AddProps(("version", "1.2.3"))


Publish a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force", "-f", "net8.0").Build();

// Publish the project, running a command like: "dotnet publish --framework net6.0" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetPublish().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").WithFramework("net8.0").Build();

Restore a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force").Build();

// Restore the project, running a command like: "dotnet restore" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new DotNetRestore().WithWorkingDirectory("MyLib").Build();

Run a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new console project, running a command like: "dotnet new console -n MyApp --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("console", "-n", "MyApp", "--force").Build();

// Runs the console project using a command like: "dotnet run" from the directory "MyApp"
var stdOut = new List<string>();
result = new DotNetRun().WithWorkingDirectory("MyApp").Build(message => stdOut.Add(message.Text));

// Checks StdOut
stdOut.ShouldBe(new[] {"Hello, World!"});

Test a project

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new test project, running a command like: "dotnet new mstest -n MyTests --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("mstest", "-n", "MyTests", "--force").Build();

// Runs tests via a command like: "dotnet test" from the directory "MyTests"
result = new DotNetTest().WithWorkingDirectory("MyTests").Build();

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Tests.Count(test => test.State == TestState.Finished).ShouldBe(1);

Run tests under dotCover

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new test project, running a command like: "dotnet new mstest -n MyTests --force"
var exitCode = new DotNetNew("mstest", "-n", "MyTests", "--force").Run();

// Creates the tool manifest and installs the dotCover tool locally
// It is better to run the following 2 commands manually
// and commit these changes to a source control
exitCode = new DotNetNew("tool-manifest").Run();

exitCode = new DotNetCustom("tool",  "install", "--local", "JetBrains.dotCover.GlobalTool").Run();

// Creates a test command
var test = new DotNetTest().WithProject("MyTests");

var dotCoverSnapshot = Path.Combine("MyTests", "dotCover.dcvr");
var dotCoverReport = Path.Combine("MyTests", "dotCover.html");
// Modifies the test command by putting "dotCover" in front of all arguments
// to have something like "dotnet dotcover test ..."
// and adding few specific arguments to the end
var testUnderDotCover = test.Customize(cmd =>
    + "dotcover"
    + cmd.Args
    + $"--dcOutput={dotCoverSnapshot}"
    + "--dcFilters=+:module=TeamCity.CSharpInteractive.HostApi;+:module=dotnet-csi"
    + "--dcAttributeFilters=System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverage");
// Runs tests under dotCover via a command like: "dotnet dotcover test ..."
var result = testUnderDotCover.Build();

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Tests.Count(i => i.State == TestState.Finished).ShouldBe(1);

// Generates a HTML code coverage report.
exitCode = new DotNetCustom("dotCover", "report", $"--source={dotCoverSnapshot}", $"--output={dotCoverReport}", "--reportType=HTML").Run();

// Check for a dotCover report

Restore local tools

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

var projectDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..4]);
// Creates a local tool manifest 
var exitCode = new DotNetNew("tool-manifest").WithWorkingDirectory(projectDir).Run();

// Restore local tools
exitCode = new DotNetToolRestore().WithWorkingDirectory(projectDir).Run();

Test an assembly

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new test project, running a command like: "dotnet new mstest -n MyTests --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("mstest", "-n", "MyTests", "--force").Build();

// Builds the test project, running a command like: "dotnet build -c Release" from the directory "MyTests"
result = new DotNetBuild().WithWorkingDirectory("MyTests").WithConfiguration("Release").WithOutput("MyOutput").Build();

// Runs tests via a command like: "dotnet vstest" from the directory "MyTests"
result = new VSTest()
    .AddTestFileNames(Path.Combine("MyOutput", "MyTests.dll"))

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Tests.Count(test => test.State == TestState.Finished).ShouldBe(1);

Build a project using MSBuild

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Creates a new library project, running a command like: "dotnet new classlib -n MyLib --force"
var result = new DotNetNew("classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force").Build();

// Builds the library project, running a command like: "dotnet msbuild /t:Build -restore /p:configuration=Release -verbosity=detailed" from the directory "MyLib"
result = new MSBuild()
    .AddProps(("configuration", "Release"))

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Errors.Any(message => message.State == BuildMessageState.StdError).ShouldBeFalse();

Shuts down build servers

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API
using HostApi;

// Shuts down all build servers that are started from dotnet.
var exitCode = new DotNetBuildServerShutdown().Run();


Restore NuGet a package of newest version

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use INuGet
using HostApi;

IEnumerable<NuGetPackage> packages = GetService<INuGet>().Restore(new NuGetRestoreSettings("IoC.Container").WithVersionRange(VersionRange.All));

Restore a NuGet package by a version range for the specified .NET and path

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use INuGet
using HostApi;

var packagesPath = Path.Combine(

var settings = new NuGetRestoreSettings("IoC.Container")
    .WithVersionRange(VersionRange.Parse("[1.3, 1.3.8)"))

IEnumerable<NuGetPackage> packages = GetService<INuGet>().Restore(settings);

Build a project in a docker container

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use .NET build API and Docker API
using HostApi;

// Creates a base docker command line
var dockerRun = new DockerRun()
    .AddVolumes((ToAbsoluteLinuxPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory), "/MyProjects"));

// Creates a new library project in a docker container
var exitCode = dockerRun
    .WithCommandLine(new DotNetCustom("new", "classlib", "-n", "MyLib", "--force"))


// Builds the library project in a docker container
var result = dockerRun
    .WithCommandLine(new DotNetBuild().WithProject("MyLib/MyLib.csproj"))

// The "result" variable provides details about a build
result.Errors.Any(message => message.State == BuildMessageState.StdError).ShouldBeFalse();

string ToAbsoluteLinuxPath(string path) => 
    "/" + path.Replace(":", "").Replace('\\', '/');

Running in docker

// Adds the namespace "HostApi" to use Command Line API and Docker API
using HostApi;

// Creates some command line to run in a docker container
var cmd = new CommandLine("whoami");

// Runs the command line in a docker container
var result = new DockerRun(cmd, "")


TeamCity integration via service messages

For more details how to use TeamCity service message API please see this page. Instead of creating a root message writer like in the following example:

using JetBrains.TeamCity.ServiceMessages.Write.Special;
using var writer = new TeamCityServiceMessages().CreateWriter(Console.WriteLine);

use this statement:

using JetBrains.TeamCity.ServiceMessages.Write.Special;
using var writer = GetService<ITeamCityWriter>();

This sample opens a block My Tests and reports about two tests:

// Adds a namespace to use ITeamCityWriter
using JetBrains.TeamCity.ServiceMessages.Write.Special;

using var writer = GetService<ITeamCityWriter>();
using (var tests = writer.OpenBlock("My Tests"))
    using (var test = tests.OpenTest("Test1"))
        test.WriteImage("TestsResults/Test1Screenshot.jpg", "Screenshot");

    using (var test = tests.OpenTest("Test2"))
        test.WriteIgnored("Some reason");

For more information on TeamCity Service Messages, see this page.


Build automation tool







  • C# 99.9%
  • Other 0.1%