A ready to go boilerplate for starting Web Development project especially with NextJS. Focused on Simplifies the development process, enhancing efficiency and maintainability. Ensures comprehensive coverage of fundamental and common needs. Continuously striving to stay updated.
Clone the project
git clone < repository link >
Go to the project directory
cd next-ts-shadcn-boilerplate
Install dependencies
npm install
Prepare dependencies, optional. Currently just to prepare husky.
npm run prepare
Start the development server at port 3000
npm run start:dev
- next 14
- react 18
- shadcn ui
- tailwindcss
- react-redux
- redux-toolkit
- axios
- react-i18next
- react-lucide
- eslint
- prettier
- husky/lint-staged
- commitlint
├── fonts # Assets for custom fonts
├── images # Assets for images
├── app # Next app routing
├── components
├── atoms # Shadcn components here
├── molecules
├── organisms
└── templates # layout components
├── config # App configuration and setting (redux, i18n, etc.)
├── constant # Constant values (e.g for dropdown data)
├── hooks # React hooks
├── langs # languange translation data
├── lib # Services for axios, browser storage, thirdparty, etc.
├── store # Redux state management
└── [feature name]
├── index.ts # Redux feature's slice
└── extras.ts # Redux toolkit query for API fetching
├── types # Typescript data type definition
├── utils # Utility / helper functions
└── middleware.ts
If you have any feedback, please reach out me at email