The goal of the centroid based clustering app, is to support the selection of the "best" among many different clustering versions/attempts, on the same input data.
There are 2 main decision parameters:
- The clustering method (including settings parameters)
- The number of clusters (k)
You can run the app from here!
- k-medoids
- k-means
- 'fasterpam': One of the PAM algorithms from the python library "kmedoids" ( (github)
- 'Custom kmedoids': My attempt at creating a k-medoids centroid_clustering algorithm, it is included in this project
- 'KMeans': from the python library scikit-learn (Documentation)
For selecting the best centroid_clustering algorithm, the app runs the selected clustering algorithm for every number of clusters from 'k = 2' to 'k = 20', so 19 total clustering versions/attempts.
Then it evaluates each centroid_clustering using 4 metrics:
- Inertia
- Distortion
- Silhouette score
- calinski harabasz index
After the evaluation, an approximate polynomial interpolation (fitting function) is selected to represent the expected value of each metric (for polynomial orders less than half of the data points). The goal is to find the maximum difference of the fitting function and each metric.
Finally, a combined clustering index is calculated by the weighted sum of relative differences, for each centroid_clustering with different 'k'.
This process is repeated when selecting a different clustering algorithm, and the results are shown for 2 centroid_clustering algorithms at a time, for easier comparisons.
- This project is not uploaded to PyPI.
- Python 3.11.0 is used.
- The apps web GUI is created with the streamlit python library (streamlit documentation).
After activating the desirable virtual environment in the project folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or to install the latest versions of the imported libraries (may not always work):
pip install -r requirements_without_versions.txt
Then, to start the streamlit app locally:
streamlit run
If you want to use the code directly into your project, place the folders "utils" and "centroid_clustering" in the root of your project. Then, a simple file looks like this:
from functools import partial from centroid_clustering import clustering_selection as cl_slt from centroid_clustering.clustering_metrics import ClMetrics, DistFunction import utils.visualization_functions as gvp # Random data generation for demo data, target_labels, cps = cl_slt.create_data_fit_for_clustering()
The class "ClSelect" is the main class that executes the selected clustering algorithm for k=2 to k=20 clusters by default. As an input argument needs a function that follows the protocol:
def func(data: pd.DataFrame, n_clusters: int, max_iter: int) -> ClMetrics:There are 3 default functions to use:
- fasterPAM: "cl_metrics_set_up_for_faster_pam"
- custom k-medoids: "cl_metrics_set_up_for_k_medoids"
- k-means: "cl_metrics_set_up_for_kms_obj"
Use functools.partial to define any setting parameters of the above functions, or define a new function that follows the above protocol. For example, in order to compute the distance matrix between all data samples only once, an instance of "DistFunction" class is created outside the 3 default functions above and is given to them as input argument with functools.partial.
# "DistFunction" initialization computes all samples distances matrix dist_func_obj = DistFunction(dist_metric="euclidean", cache_points=data) # Create the function that follows the protocol of "ClSelect" cl_m_fn = partial( cl_slt.cl_metrics_set_up_for_faster_pam, dist_func_obj=dist_func_obj, max_iter=100, dist_metric="euclidean" ) # Creating an instance of "ClSelect" n_cl_obj = cl_slt.ClSelect(data=data, cl_metrics_obj_func=cl_m_fn, min_n_cl=2, max_n_cl=20, n_iter=100)
Quick overview with a plotly 3d scatter plot:
# Get the default best clustering instance of "ClMetrics" best_cl_metrics_obj: ClMetrics = n_cl_obj.cl_m_slt # Get a quick overview of the data clusters with dimension reduction of the features (samples columns) gvp.set_up_3d_graph_data(data, best_cl_metrics_obj.labels, "PCA").show() gvp.set_up_3d_graph_data(data, target_labels, "PCA").show() gvp.set_up_3d_graph_data(data, best_cl_metrics_obj.labels, "LDA").show() gvp.set_up_3d_graph_data(data, target_labels, "LDA").show()To extract the main result data:
- Best clustering ("ClMetrics" class instance)
best_number_of_clusters: int = best_cl_metrics_obj.n_cl best_predicted_labels: pd.Series = best_cl_metrics_obj.labels cluster_centers: pd.DataFrame = best_cl_metrics_obj.cps_df metrics_per_cluster: pd.DataFrame = best_cl_metrics_obj.cluster_metrics_df metrics_per_sample: pd.DataFrame = best_cl_metrics_obj.samples_metrics_df clustering_metrics: pd.Series = best_cl_metrics_obj.metrics_sr
- Searching for the best clustering ("ClSelect" class instance)
all_labels: pd.DataFrame = n_cl_obj.labels_df all_clustering_metrics_score: pd.DataFrame = n_cl_obj.n_cl_metrics all_clustering_metric_fitting: pd.DataFrame = n_cl_obj.n_cl_m_fit clustering_unified_metric_score: pd.Series = n_cl_obj.n_cl_score
There are many more things to find in the code! Search the centroid_clustering\streamlit_app\result_pages for the results shown on the streamlit app. The custom_k_medoids works a lot slower than fasterPAM but the benefit is that it uses some experimental settings.
Please report errors, support requests and questions as issue within the repository's issue tracker and i will do my best to address them.