WARNING: This is not production ready, you should use https://docraptor.com/documentation/node
This is a JavaScript library and Node.js module for using DocRaptor API to convert HTML to PDF and XLSX.
npm install docraptor
See examples for runnable examples with file output, error handling, etc.
var docraptor = require("docraptor");
var auth = docraptor.ApiClient.default.authentications.basicAuth;
auth.username = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"; // this key works for test documents
doc_api = new docraptor.DocApi();
test: true, // test documents are free but watermarked
document_content: "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>", // supply content directly
// document_url: "http://docraptor.com/examples/invoice.html", // or use a url
name: "test", // help you find a document later
document_type: "pdf", // pdf or xls or xlsx
// javascript: true, // enable JavaScript processing
// prince_options: {
// media: "screen", // use screen styles instead of print styles
// baseurl: "http://hello.com", // pretend URL when
// },
}, function(error, data, response) {
// ...
Docs created like this are limited to 60 seconds to render, check out the async example which allows 10 minutes.
We have guides for doing some of the common things:
- Headers and Footers including page skipping
- CSS Media Selector to make the page look exactly as it does in your browser
- Protected Content to secure your URLs so only DocRaptor can access them
DocRaptor has a lot of more styling and implementation options.
Stuck? We're experts at using DocRaptor so please email us if you run into trouble.
The majority of the code in this repo is generated using swagger-codegen on docraptor.yaml. You can modify this file and regenerate the client using script/generate_language javascript
The generated client needed a few fixes
- response buffer
- binary string response handling
- Increment version in code:
- Update CHANGELOG.md
This library follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.