This is a repository that contains scripts allowing to webscrap two chess tournaments webpages:
- Chess arbiter :
- Chess manager :
Each website have different named parameters but they actually allow for filter data in the same way.
- Chessmanager:
- Chessarbiter:
- country / filters by country (it has only parameter on chess manager because on chess arbiter tournaments exists only for Poland)
- country_state / wojewodztwo - filter by country_state
- city / miejsce - filter by city
- planned / status - filter status of tournament, in case of chessmanager it displays as /planned, /now and /finished
- tempo / typ - filter tournament speed
- link: provides link to a subpage where we can sign for a tournament
- date: dependant on website, on chessarbiter it will display only date when its starts, when on chess manager it shows start and end dates.
- name: tournament title
- city: City where tournaments is being held.
- country: Country in which tournament takes place
- type_and_players : displays tournament tempo.
"link": "",
"date": "01-06",
"name": "Grand Prix Grzybowic z okazji 100 - lecia Miasta Zabrze Turniej 8 cykl II 2022r zgłoszony do Fide",
"city": "Zabrze",
"country": "Poland",
"type_and_players": "SL blitz"
As intention of this script was just to automate my search for tournaments in my area, which I needed mostly info about:
- When tournament takes place?
- Which city?
- What is tempo of that tournament?
- Link to be able for signup
- Have installed at least python 3.10
- Have installed mongo.db database
- Create new virtual environment and install packages:
- Windows
python -m venv your_env_name
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
- Linux
python3 -m venv your_env_name
source ./your_env_name/bin/activate
pip3 install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Add smtpServer.json
with configurations for smpt server to project directory. Example file contents:
"sender_email" : "",
"password": "example",
"smtp_server": "",
"port" : 123
If you want to send emails you need to first create json file with following structure:
"user": "",
"preferences": {
"country_state": "DS",
Next, you only need to call script:
python3 mailing your-preferences-json-file
Script webscrapps informations from websites and later saves them into tournaments.json file in docs/htmlLists
directory. When its done it calls git commands to push changes into repository. Then the github pages are being rebuilt and when the process is done you can simply see data on github pages.
If you want to make it actually work for your preferences I recommend to fork repository
In order to make script work as intended, you need to add userPreferences.json
file to your project directory.
It should contain following fields:
- signs which tournament name should contain"tournament_tempo"
- speed in which tournament occurs"tournament_status"
- tournament actual state. It can be: PLANNED, FINISHED, ONGOING, ALL"country_state"
- country state that tournaments interest us"tournament_city"
- city from which we would like to get info about tournaments
Example file content:
"country_state": "DS",
"country_state": "LB",
"country_state": "OP",
"country_state": "WP",
How the file is called in github actions:
python3 ./api/ repository ./api/userPreferences.json
If you want to use Google Gmail as a SMTP provider, you need to enable 2-factor authetincation because at 30.05.2022 Google has turned off simpler way to enable for use your own gmail account as SMTP service due to safe risks which that way imposed. If you want to know how to do it, here is described process the proccess.
Chessmanager has changed its form variables so it needs to be refactored