**This repository has been archived as its NPM packages have all been migrated to the Docmaps Typescript Monorepo
Typescript reference implementation of Docmaps Project RFC#001 API Server Interoperability Protocol.
: the API server code.
: the client for talking to the API server.
See individual package READMEs for more info. In general, this monorepo depends on:
pnpm # @^8.7
node # @^18
docker # with docker-compose available
The server can be started locally from a local rebuild of source code using:
pnpm compose:up
This will start the server listening on localhost:8080
with a service container
running a fresh Oxigraph graph store backend listening on locahost:33378
. Note
that the store will initialize empty, but store its data persistently at tmp/oxigraph_data
so that you can upload data and continue to reuse it between launches of the app.
Seeding data to the graph store: You can use the script scripts/upload_to_local_deployment.ts
which ingests any JSON-LD document from standard in and emits triples to the docker-compose
Oxigraph backend (requires the composed cluster to be running). You can set the environment variable
to something other than http://localhost:33378
(the default) if you are trying
to write to some other Oxigraph location.
WARNING because of the algebraic properties of blank nodes, SPARQL Update protocol does not support idempotent writes. If you upload the same document multiple times, all blank nodes and associated triples will be presumed unique in relation to previous uploads of "similar seeming" blank nodes, and will result in duplication in the dataset. Named nodes will not be duplicated. For example, Steps and Actions are usually blank nodes, but Docmaps have ids. This means that if you upload a typical json-ld Docmap twice, all the steps will be doubled. If an action has an ID, then every copy of a step will point to it, whereas if not, there will be a copy of the action.
To upload a docmap, pipe/redirect to the script's stdin. For example, this docmap from github:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Docmaps-Project/docmaps/main/examples/docmaps-example-elife-02.jsonld \
| npx tsx scripts/upload_to_local_deployment.ts
There is example with a local file:
<my_docmap.jsonld npx tsx scripts/upload_to_local_deployment.ts
To confirm that there are docmaps in the store, you can visit http://localhost:33378
(or whatever you customized
the Oxigraph backend to serve at). You should see a SPARQL Query prompt and can explore. For example,
you can submit this query to see how many nodes are of type pwo:Workflow
(equivalent to "type": "docmap"
in jsonld):
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX pwo: <http://purl.org/spar/pwo/>
SELECT (COUNT(*) as ?docmaps) WHERE {
?docmaps rdf:type pwo:Workflow .
To remove all uploads if your state gets contaminated or you want to start over:
pnpm compose:repave
# must restart oxigraph or entire compose cluster to ensure changes take effect