Leaflet plugin for multi vendors maps & projections
- OSM, Maps.Refuges.Info
- ThunderForest Outdoors, Cycles, Landscape, Transport
- IGN France, cadastre, photos
- SwissTopo
- IDEE España, photos
- IGM Italie
- OS Great Britain
- Kompass Austria
- Bing Microsoft, photos
- Google maps, photos
This plugin can switch between maps using different CRS (Ex: Ordnance Survey for Great Britain, Swisstopo, ...).
This plugin works both on Leaflet V1.+
See a DEMO of France IGN layers
See a DEMO of Spain IDEE layer
See a DEMO of Italy IGM layers
Include MapMultiCRS.js & the Use L.Control.Layers as usual.
Just take care to add a crs option to each layer using a spécific crs.
<script src="https://dominique92.github.io/MyLeaflet/lib/Leaflet.Map.MultiVendors-master/src/MapMultiCRS.js"></script>
// List all required layers
var layers = {
osm: new L.TileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'),
osmFR: new L.TileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'),
// For non standard CRS layers, assign the required CRS as an option to the layer
OS: new L.OSOpenSpace.TileLayer("<map OS key>", {crs: L.OSOpenSpace.CRS})
// Create the map with one of the layers members as initial layer
var map = new L.Map('map', {
center: new L.LatLng (51.5, 0),
zoom: 6,
layers: layers.osm
// Add the layer control to the map.
new L.Control.Layers(layers).addTo(map);