Leaflet plugin extension for Leaflet.draw
- Markers, polylines, polygons, rectangles & circle editor
- Snap on others markers, lines & polygons including the edited one
- Stick on other vectors layers
- Cut & paste polylines
- Swap style between polylines & polygons
Depends on Leaflet.draw. and Leaflet.Snap. Supported both on Leaflet V0.7 & V1.+
- Force default controls to false to have to declare only required commands
- Allign drawing style on display
- Allow snap on creating elements
- Change color when hover (to be able to see different poly)
- Cut a polyline by removing a segment whose the middle marker is cliqued
- Merge 2 segments whose 2 ends match into one
- Cut a polygon by removing a segment whose the middle marker is cliqued & transform it into polyline
- Transform polyline whose the 2 ends match into polygon
- Read/write geoJson field to be edited from a html form
- Display a div element when the entry is changed
See a DEMO using Leaflet V1.+ here
Set to true the form & commands that you want the editor to handle. Default is none.
var editor = new L.Control.Draw.Plus({
draw: {
marker: true, // Capability to create a marker
polyline: true, // Capability to create a polyline
polygon: true, // Capability to create a polygon
rectangle: true, // Capability to create a rectangle
circle: true // Capability to create a circle
edit: {
edit: true, // Capability to edit a feature
remove: true // Capability to remove a feature
entry: 'edit-json', // <textarea id="edit-json">JSON</textarea> | <input type="hidden" id="edit-json" name="xxx" value="JSON"> : geoJson field to be edited
jsonOptions: {}, // Options to be used when retreiving Json from <input />
changed: 'edit-changed' // <span id="edit-changed" style="display:none">changed</span> : warn changes to be saved