VideoService is a python library focused on the BackEnd for Video Services, such as YouTube (Note that this library is not used in YouTube, it is just an example).
VideoService uses a JSON DataBase to manage all the Videos on the server and its not dependant on external libraries to work (except for OpenCV and Lingua), all functionalities depend on bare Python libraries.
- Playlists Management
- Videos Managements
- File management
- Easy endpoints access
- Clone this repository or download it
- Put the VideoService folder on your project folder
- You're good to go
Im currently documenting the project and solving all known issues(0.2.0 following the convention of Mayor.Minor.Patch)
0.3.0 | Include more safety measurements |
0.4.0 | Function adaptability |
0.5.0 | Include optimization |
1.0.0 | First Release Version (refactor) |
Right now we have three main things in consideration for future updates for this Application, which are:
- Search Engine: Including our own search engine
- Query's: Better query's for the videos and playlists
Feel free to open Feature Requests issues to request things related to this concepts such popular IDE's, popular Git services with REST API's (API needed for being able to give support), unwanted types of files and folders generated by WorkSpace creations, etc.
As there hasn't been a deploy yet, Im not trying to find bugs, Im just coding and testing
VideoService is distributed under the license MIT.
See the LICENSE file for more information.
You can support me and the project with a donation to my Ko-Fi