This is data and code that contributed to the following paper:
Recruitment limitation increases susceptibility to fishing-induced collapse in a spawning aggregation fishery
Erica T. Jarvis Mason1, Thomas V. Riecke2, Lyall F. Bellquist1,3, Daniel J. Pondella II4, Brice X. Semmens1
1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, California, USA
2Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, University of Montana, USA
3California Oceans Program, The Nature Conservancy, California, USA
4Vantuna Research Group, Occidental College, California, USA
citation: Jarvis Mason ET, Riecke TV, Bellquist LF, Pondella DJ, Semmens BX (2024) Recruitment limitation increases susceptibility to fishing-induced collapse in a spawning aggregation fishery. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 738:203-224
R-script files:
Double-tag_TagRetentionModel_Masonetal.R (Tag retention model for double-tagging data with individual recovery times) Includes the following sections:
- Explore relationship between the ratio of fish with 2 vs 1 tag
- Simulate data and define model
- Test model
- Load and format Kelp Bass double tag data
- Tag retention model (tag loss as a function of age of tag)
- Run tag retention model on double-tag data
- Plot cumulative and non-cumulative tag retention over time
Age_Growth_Masonetal.R (Age and Growth Model Fits using the Traditional Von Bertalanffy and Francis parameterizations)
CMR_wGrowth_Masonetal.R (Capture-mark-reencounter data simulation and model testing) Includes the following sections:
- Simulate CMR data
- Define CMR model in JAGS
- Set up and run model in JAGS
60s_Final_Masonetal.R (Capture-mark-reencounter model for modeling the 1960s CDFW CMR data)
90s_Final_Masonetal.R (Capture-mark-reencounter model for modeling the 1990s CDFW CMR data)
10s_Final_Masonetal.R (Capture-mark-reencounter model for modeling the 2010s L. Bellquist CMR data)