Ctl + L - clear the terminal screen
Ctl + E - go to the end of the line of command
Ctl + A - go to the beginning of the line of command
use command + up or down to view the terminal screen
- functions - actions
- arguments - object
- options/flags - adverbs
ls - show directory folder; additional options -al (a all , l list full)
cd - change directory cd .. go up in the directory tree
pwd - print working directory (shows full directory path)
mkdir - create directory
rm -rf remove file (with -rf (recursive force) can remove folder). Be careful with rm
touch - create a file
cp - copy file. cp sourcefile destinationfile
mv - move OR rename
rmdir dir - remove directory not a lot on it with man pages
clear - clears the terminal screen
history - ability to view the previously used
cat - concatenate (fancy word) view file contents or manipulate commands