Two numerical models and utilities to simulate ventilator airway pressures and extract key parameters using simple methods that should not be too resource intensive. This code is non-optimized and is currently in a proof-of-concept testing stage. Yes there are plenty of bugs.
This is a rapid prototype using python3 to process sample data from a differential pressure gauge and compute some of the values. This simulation is based on model data found on the internet and extracted to csv files. These models are setup to be scaled easily for peak, respiration rate, and peep values.
Licensed under GNU GPL-3. You have the freedom to do whatever with this code except distribute it in closed source versions.
This updated code uses real ventilator data found in /models/csv_raw that has been quantized at 50 Hz (may not be accurate) for testing against live data. There are a variety of methods inside however at the moment it is configured to scan one pressure file, average the breath cycle times found there, then flag irregular cycles (> +/-25%) and list their time indexs and breath numbers counting from the beginning of the file.
It then loops through the list of irregular cycles, plots them and computes parameters. This was devised as a test for waveform detection and parameter computation. It plots the data found and creates a running text list of computed values which it prints after every plot is viewed and closed. is a re-write of the algorithm in more readable code and the plot also includes a sub-plot of the differential of each detected cycle to assist in visually checking the algorithm. Here is an example from will read pressure or flow data from the cvs files as if it was live and display sweeps across the screen. It's just a visualization tool right now but it will be integrated soon into the algorithm. However it is a good way to browse the data files. You can speed up the sweeps by changing the interval parameter or you can modify the code to seek for spots further into the csv file. Here's an example run for pressure and flow on raw ventilator data from
The green line shows the sweep point through the data and moves from left to right while updating the data from the file.
python3 -p ./raw_vwd/714a529486594682820d174b7201ec86-rpi44-2178-07-06-01-15-55.108964.csv
python3 -f ./raw_vwd/714a529486594682820d174b7201ec86-rpi44-2178-07-06-01-15-55.108964.csv
Older version of modeling, loads the selected numerical values from the ./models/ folder. It can also scale and will simulate a live sensor. At this point no radomization has been added to the model, but it will be added soon. Also there are only two models, one well behaved and one with large peak vs. plateau values.
Now has the ability to specify some randomness in the peak and peep values between breaths just to test the algorithm. On the model "b40-peep0-30s.csv" that is irregular occasionally the plateau is missed which is something I'm still fine tuning.
Thanks to we now have some real pressure and flow data. The model data is in /models/cvs_raw and is the same data used in their paper: "Improving Mechanical Ventilator Clinical Decision Support Systems with a Machine Learning Classifier for Determining Ventilator Mode." by Rehm, Gregory B and Kuhn, Brooks T and Nguyen, Jimmy and Anderson, Nicholas R and Chuah, Chen Nee and Adams, Jason Yeates. The cvs_raw files have been converted to a flow and a pressure file with time indexing to follow the previous early model design.
This new dataset is used in and Bot and rely on the older single breath patterns that were generated from images.
This performs all the sampling from and will then parse, compute and display the results. It can be plotted using matplotlib or the results are printed to the console using pprint library.
- Measures the following signals:
- PEEP: PEEP pressure
- PEEPi: Intrinsic PEEP pressure
- Ppeak: Peak pressure
- FlowI: Inspiratory inflow time
- Ipause: Inspiry pause time
- FlowE: Expiratory flow time
- Epause: Expiratory pause time
- Pplat: Plateau Pressure
- Start: start time of cycle
- End: end time of cycle
- Vt: tidal volume - @TODO - not measured
- dP: driving pressure
- Pl: transpulmonary pressure - @TODO - not computed yet
- P01: Occlusion pressure
- PTP: pressure-time product per breath cycle
- RR: breaths per min. based on current cycle speed
- It can detect respiration cycles in the data automatically.
- Each cycle is parsed and analyzed separetly
- Parameters from each cycle is stored in a list of dictionaries for experimentation
- Models can be easily made and tested by changing the csv files found in the /models directory
- The plots are shown to aid in understanding the methods used to compute the parameters
Just unzip or clone the repository. You'll need matplotlib, numpy and pprint libraries (sorry no time for files, etc.). For a test run just issue:
python3 or python3
You can then modify the models or explore the calculations on your own. Feedback welcome, but the code is neither elegant or complete at this point.
Do the the current issues of Covid-19 and ARDS patients this code was rapidly put together and still needs much refactoring and alot of testing and work. The design of the code was specifically done to avoid complex python libraries and allow for fairly easy conversion to other languages and running on resource limitied processors. However due to the nature of writing fast code and quick testing there is a lot of fat that can be cut out.
All the documentation is embedded in the code for speed. There are a lot of array indices manipulation and shuffling to attempt to avoid too many complex operations, however the end result is a somewhat complex shuffling that is hopefuly called out in the code clearly.
Using ./models/b40-peep0-30s.csv
Setting up model. Model rate BPM = 30.0, Model Peak Pressure = 31.0 cm H2O PEEP = 5.0, Sample window = 2.0 Sampling sensor for 7s [{'End': 6.019999999999916, 'Epause': 0.70999999999998487, 'FlowE': 0.3799999999999919, 'FlowI': 0.31999999999999318, 'I:E': '1:1.2', 'Ipause': 0.56999999999998785, 'P01': 24.23155334686299, 'PEEP': 5.0, 'PEEPi': 0.0, 'PTP': 25.648225443841262, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.989249380448868, 'Pplat': 29.433065663545882, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.0299999999999585, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 24.433065663545882}, {'End': 6.019999999999916, 'Epause': 0.70999999999998487, 'FlowE': 0.3799999999999919, 'FlowI': 0.31999999999999318, 'I:E': '1:1.2', 'Ipause': 0.56999999999998785, 'P01': 24.23155334686299, 'PEEP': 5.0, 'PEEPi': 0.0, 'PTP': 25.648225443841262, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.989249380448868, 'Pplat': 29.433065663545882, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.0299999999999585, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 24.433065663545882}, {'End': 6.019999999999916, 'Epause': 0.70999999999998487, 'FlowE': 0.3799999999999919, 'FlowI': 0.31999999999999318, 'I:E': '1:1.2', 'Ipause': 0.56999999999998785, 'P01': 24.23155334686299, 'PEEP': 5.0, 'PEEPi': 0.0, 'PTP': 25.648225443841262, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.989249380448868, 'Pplat': 29.433065663545882, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.0299999999999585, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 24.433065663545882}]
And model ./models/b40-peep0-30s.csv
Setting up model. Model rate BPM = 30.0, Model Peak Pressure = 31.0 cm H2O PEEP = 5.0, Sample window = 2.0 Sampling sensor for 7s [{'End': 6.029999999999916, 'Epause': 0.19999999999999574, 'FlowE': 0.48999999999998956, 'FlowI': 0.59999999999998721, 'I:E': '1:0.5', 'Ipause': 0.68999999999998529, 'P01': 16.414433611064332, 'PEEP': 5.0000000000001226, 'PEEPi': 0.043954608760907732, 'PTP': 23.973148658562014, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.962017960174403, 'Pplat': 23.572380204505137, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.039999999999958, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 18.572380204505016}, {'End': 6.029999999999916, 'Epause': 0.19999999999999574, 'FlowE': 0.48999999999998956, 'FlowI': 0.59999999999998721, 'I:E': '1:0.5', 'Ipause': 0.68999999999998529, 'P01': 16.414433611064332, 'PEEP': 5.0000000000001226, 'PEEPi': 0.043954608760907732, 'PTP': 23.973148658562014, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.962017960174403, 'Pplat': 23.572380204505137, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.039999999999958, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 18.572380204505016}, {'End': 6.029999999999916, 'Epause': 0.19999999999999574, 'FlowE': 0.48999999999998956, 'FlowI': 0.59999999999998721, 'I:E': '1:0.5', 'Ipause': 0.68999999999998529, 'P01': 16.414433611064332, 'PEEP': 5.0000000000001226, 'PEEPi': 0.043954608760907732, 'PTP': 23.973148658562014, 'Pl': 0, 'Ppeak': 30.962017960174403, 'Pplat': 23.572380204505137, 'RR': 30.150753768844865, 'Start': 4.039999999999958, 'Vt': 0, 'dP': 18.572380204505016}]