ExaDigiT's Resource Allocator and Power Simulator (RAPS) schedules workloads and estimates dynamic system power at specified time intervals. RAPS either schedules synthetic workloads or replays system telemetry workloads, provides system monitoring during simulation, and an outputs a report of scheduling and power statistics at the end of the simulation. RAPS also can interface with the FMU cooling model by providing CDU-level power inputs to the cooling model, and reporting the statistics back to the user. RAPS also has built-in plotting capabilities to generate plots of power and cooling at the end of simulation runs. An optional RAPS dashboard is also provided, which requires also running the RAPS server. Instructions for setup and usage are given below.
Note: Requires python3.9 or greater.
pip install -e .
python main.py -h
python main.py
# Frontier
python main.py -f $DPATH/slurm/joblive/$DATEDIR $DPATH/jobprofile/$DATEDIR
Download job_table.parquet
from https://zenodo.org/records/10127767
# Marconi100
python main.py --system marconi100 -f ~/data/marconi100/job_table.parquet
To reduce the expense of extracting the needed data from the telemetry parquet files, RAPS saves a snapshot of the extracted data in NPZ format. The NPZ file can be given instead of the parquet files for more quickly running subsequent simulations, e.g.:
python main.py -f jobs_2024-02-20_12-20-39.npz
python main.py -f $DPATH/slurm/joblive/$DATEDIR $DPATH/jobprofile/$DATEDIR --jid 1234567 -o
python -m raps.telemetry -f $DPATH/slurm/joblive/$DATEDIR $DPATH/jobprofile/$DATEDIR
make docker_build && make docker_run
See instructions in server/README.md
See instructions in dashboard/README.md
Many thanks to the contributors of ExaDigiT/RAPS.
The full list of contributors and organizations involved are found in CONTRIBUTORS.txt.
ExaDigiT/RAPS is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).
Users may choose either license, at their option.
All new contributions must be made under both the MIT and Apache-2.0 licenses.
SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
Map data used in this project is provided by OpenStreetMap and is available under the Open Database License (ODbL). © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Weather data used in this project is provided by the Open-Meteo API. Open-Meteo offers free weather forecast data for various applications, and their API provides easy access to weather information without requiring user authentication.