This is a project from my third semester at the Hochschule Bremen.<br > The Project started at the 07.01.2014 and ended at the 21.01.2014
The makefile was only tested under Ubuntu 13.10 x64.<br > The glfw 2.7 library is needed.
###Program functions:
In this program you are able to play with points!
Use your mouse like this:
Select - Press the left mouse button anywhere on a polygon or 'curve'
Move - Select a point and drag it around by pressing the left mouse button
Deselect - Press the right mouse button anywhere
(don't try this with one point - you will most probably lose it)
Add a Point - Press the left mouse button anywhere with a selection
Add a Polygon - Press the left mouse button anywhere without a selection
You might want to use your keyboard like this:
Pressing 1 will draw the selected polygon as polygon
Pressing 2 will draw the selected polygon as cubic interpolation curve
Pressing 3 will draw the selected polygon as quadratic spline curve
Pressing 4 will draw the selected polygon as cubic spline curve
Pressing 5 will draw the selected polygon as Bezier curve
Pressing 8 will delete the selected point
Pressing 9 will delete the selected polygon
Pressing 0 will delete all polygons / points
Pressing C will change the color of the selected polygon
Pressing S will smooth the selected polygon
Pressing ESC will end the program