Online tool written in Svelte and Javascript for visualization of complex functions (defined from ℂ to ℂ) through their streamplot: ƒ(x) dictates the instant velocity of the particle whose position is x (with x ∈ ℂ).
The tool, published here, allows a great deal of customisation:
- A function can be chosen amost many;
- Three complex numbers (z1 z2 z3) appearing in some function definition, can be inserted by the user;
- Others real number r and integer number k can be inserted too, and they will affect some functions behaviours;
- Small dt applied to ƒ(x) to obtain instant velocity;
- Particle life;
- Number and magnifying factor of colors;
- The viewbox can be panned to move across the Guassian plane;
- Alt + scroll zooms in and out of the viewbox;
- Manual input of visible range of x- and y-axis;
- Axis ratio lock;
- More functions;
- Maybe input and parsing of user-defined functions;